Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R

Initial Phase

On 19 February 2018, the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) endorsed the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Charter and Code, C&C).

The commitment was signed by the Rector and initiated a process at the UIB with a view to being awarded the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R. Following on from recommendations issued by the Commission, the UIB set up a Working Group (WG) and a Steering Committee (SC) to work on the implementation of the system.

The UIB sent all the documentation required to pass the first HRS4R implementation stage on 14 November 2019. These documents are as follows:

  • GAP analysis: this shows the UIB’s implementation level of the 40 C&C principles. The university’s research community participated in this analysis alongside the WG and the SC
  • OTM-R checklist: this shows the implementation level of Open, Transparent and Merit-based Recruitment for researchers at the UIB
  • Action Plan : after detecting certain gaps, the UIB has put forward a 24-month action plan in order to fill in these missing pieces as best as possible. After the action plan is implemented, a new report will be sent to Commission Services (Interim Assessment).

On 26 July 2020 UIB was grated the ‘HR Excellence in Research' award.

Implementation Phase

Following the granting of the award, UIB’s WG and SC started to prepare the next phase: the Implementation Phase, during which the Internal Review for Interim Assessment has been submitted to the EU.

The cornerstone of this phase is the new recruitment process that has been set at UIB, that was approve by the Governing Council on 15 June 2022 (Regulatory Agreement, 14540/2022). This new Recruitment Process is in line with the C&C principles and the OTM-R for researchers procedures.

Further information

For further details, please do not hesitate to contact us at: . You can also find further information on the following links:

For UIB Research job offers (also published in EURAXESS portal):


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