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Axa Research Fund exceptional flash call for proposals - Mitigating risk in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic
CONVOCATÒRIA: 2020 - TancadaAQUESTA CONVOCATÒRIA ESTÀ TANCADA: El termini de la convocatòria va acabar el dia 7 de maig de 2020.
This Research Fund is opening a call for projects in the following areas:
Protecting vulnerable populations from epidemics and catastrophes, including COVID-19: be it migrants,informal settlements, workers in the informal economy, isolated people, people with disabilities, theelderly
Improving data collection and quality in health: how can data and technology help us get out of thecrisis, understand it and mitigate it? How can it inform future containment and epidemic control?
Understanding the effects of confinement and social distancing: what are the effects of confinement andsocial distancing on society and households? What are the mental health consequences? The social anddomestic repercussions?
Early warning and preparedness: how do we re-enforce our health infrastructure and ecosystem(including medical devices and drug supply) to be better prepared and how do we protect our healthworkers and caregivers?
Preserving the environment and our health: connections between climate change, biodiversity loss andthe origin of viral disease including socioeconomic dynamics leading to infectious disease outbreaks andsanitary crisis; Learnings from COVID-19 for mitigating future related crises in climate and biodiversity
Preference will be given to projects with a local focus and potential applicability on a global scale.
This exceptional AXA grant is awarded for a period between 12 and 24 months. Longer durations are not a priori excluded but should be precisely justified and should not exceed 36 months in total. Projects selected for funding are expected to start between July and November 2020. Early results should be given in the following 12 months.2. BENEFICIARIS
Institutions: AXA Research Fund partners with academic institutions only; NGOs, governmental bodies, foundations, cultural institutions (such as museums), hospitals are not eligible but are welcome as a collaborator when it is necessary for the proposed research.
Ideally applications will go through Institutions. Institutions can present only one candidate per Institutions department (meaning from the same Institution, one candidate can be put forward by the department of economics, biology...).
Researchers: Promising mid-career researchers between PhD + 6 years1 and PhD + 10 years maximum2 on a priority topic for society.
Fins al 7 de maig de 2020 a les 16 hores.
IMPORTANT: només es pot presentar una sol·licitud per departament; donades les especials circumstàncies en les que ens trobam, s'aniràn gestionant les sol·lictuds en l'ordre en que vagin arribant.
Per tal dobtenir el vistiplau de la UIB per a la seva presentació, les sol·licituds hauran d'enviar-se per correu electrònic a al més aviat possible una vegada redactades.