Additional Information
Call for the animal rights awards for the most alternative experimentation innovator 2023 
Book on Statistical Design of Experiments with Animals (PDF) 
Commission Regulation amending, for the purpose of its adaptation to technical progress, the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 440/2008 laying down test methods: 
183 Advanced non-animal experimental models used in autoimmune disease research, published by EURL ECVAM:
449 Advanced experimental models without animals used in cardiovascular disease research, published by EURL ECVAM:
3Rs InfoHub learning platform: to improve learning about alternatives to animal experimentation:
Refinement database of the Animal Welfare Institut.
International registration of pre-clinical test protocols.
Refresher Training Guide for Staff who Handle Animals Used, Bred or Supplied for Experimentation and Other Scientific Purposes, including Teaching
Animal Experimentation Courses
IDISBA-UIB training course for research staff who use test animals. (in Spanish)
Regulatory Information
- 'Animal experimentation' website by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (in Spanish).
- 'Welfare of animals used in research' website by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fishing and Food (in Spanish).
Relevant Articles, Technique and Tools for Animal Testing
Pre-clinical biomedical research principles and guidelines.
Experiment Design
- Pintado, M.B.; 'Diseño experimental y consideraciones sobre el tamaño de muestra', 'Animales de Laboratorio' (A journal from the Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences), No. 62, pp. 16-21, Summer 2014.
- Rojo , A; 'Cálculo del tamaño muestral en procedimientos de experimentación con animales. Valoración de las incidencias', 'Animales de Laboratorio' (A journal from the Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences), No. 62, pp. 31-33, Summer 2014.
- Experiment design assistant.
- Planning Research and Experimental Procedures on Animals: Recommendations for Excellence (PREPARE): Guidelines Checklist.
- Book on statistical experiment design in animal research.
- Gpower.
- Statistical design programs free to download:
Reconising and Alleviating Pain, Suffering and Distress
- Pre-clinical biomedical research principles and guidelines
- Recognition and Alleviation of Distress in Laboratory Animals. National Research Council of the National Academies (USA), 2008.
- Template for detailed clinical observations (DCO).
- Rat Grimace Scale Manual (Rat Grimace Scale - RGS).
Produced from: Sotocinal, S.G., Sorge, R.E., Zaloum, A., Tuttle, A.H., Martin, L.J., Wieskopf, J.S., Mapplebeck, J.C.S., Wei, P., Zhan, S., Zhang, S., McDougall, J.J., King, O.D., and Mogil, J.S. 'The Rat Grimace Scale: a partially automated method for quantifying pain in the laboratory rat via facial expressions', 'Molecular Pain', Volume 7, No. 55, July 2011. - Mouse Grimace Scale Manual (Mouse Grimace Scale - MGS).
Produced from: Langford, D.J.; Bailey, A.L.; Chanda, M.L.; Clarke, S.E.; Drummond, T.E.; Echols, S.; Glick, S.; Ingrao, J.; Klassen-Ross, T.; LaCroix-Fralish, M.L.; Matsumiya, L.; Sorge, R.E.; Sotocinal, S.G.; Tabaka, J.M.; Wong, D.; Van den Maagdenberg, A.M.J.M.; Ferrari, M.D.; Craig, K.D.; and Mogil, J.S. 'Coding of facial expressions of pain in the laboratory mouse'. 'Nature Methods', Volume 7, pp. 447-449, May 2010.- Template for assessing rat and mouse grimaces (RGS and MGS).
- AWAG (animal welfare assessment grid).
- Final humane points.
- FLAIRE LEARNING: Flecknell laboratory animal interactive resources for education. Training resources.
Chemical Safety and Toxicology Studies
- The diXa project (data infrastructure for chemical safety, toxicology experiment database).
- A chemo-centric view of human health and disease.
- Analysis of Chemical and Biological Features Yields Mechanistic Insights into Drug Side Effects.
- Bioethics dictionary from termcat (Generalitat de Catalunya).
- Updated ARRIVE Guidelines (2.0) for suitably documenting and reporting animal experiments in scientific publications.