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Dr. Carlos Juan Nicolau

Dr. Carlos Juan Nicolau
Professor associat


Currículum Breu

Dr. Juan (Biology Bachelor's Degree, 2003) was part of the group of Dr. A. Oliver, of great
prestige in the topic of antibiotic resistance, (2003-2008, Son Dureta Hospital, Palma). At
this stage he obtained his Microbiology Master and PhD (with Doctoral Extraordinary Award,
Universitat de les Illes Balears, UIB), he made a stay at the CHU A Coruña (Dr. G. Bou
Group) and contributed to several articles in high impact journals in the field of antibiotic
resistance. Dr. Juan was granted, between 2008-11, a competitive Juan de la Cierva contract
in the “Infection and Immunity Group” (Dr. S. Albertí, UIB), a period in which he acquired
knowledge related to bacterial virulence/pathogenesis and the techniques for their study. The
subsequent stay at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, in the group of Dr. S. Normark,
a leader in the field of pathogenesis, allowed him to acquire knowledge aimed at dissecting
the pathogen-host interaction, and the relatedness with cell-wall. Dr. Juan then obtained
a competitive Miguel Servet senior posdoctoral contract (2013), which meant a definitive
expansion in his carrer, focusing on the host-pathogen interaction and the links between the
peptidoglycan metabolism and virulence. In fact, Dr. Juan has been IP of various competitive
projects: CP12/03324, SAF2012-38539 and PI15/02212, related to the same topic, as well as
the current PI18/00681 and the just approved PI21/00753 (starting in 2022). The publications
derived from such projects opened the door to further expanding Dr. Juan's capacity, directing
his own group, with a clear vocation to contribute to the formation of new doctors. Dr. Juan
has been supervisor of the Master's Final Project (Master in Advanced Microbiology, UIB) of 8
students. He has also directed the Thesis of End of Degree in Biochemistry (UIB) of 7 students,
and has supervised 2 Doctoral Thesis (2019, 2021). Moreover, he is currently supervising the
Doctoral Thesis of 3 additional students. Dr. Juan has been a member of the thesis tribunal
of 4 doctorates (2014, 2018, 2020 and 2021), and his teaching capacity is also demonstrated
by the task as associate professor of the subject "Immunology" (since 2011 UIB), and by his
ANECA accreditation of University full professor. With a solid base in the field of antibiotic
resistance, Dr. Juan headed towards a career focused on the study of virulence, pathogenhost
interaction (specifically dealing with the cell-wall targeting innate immunity), and their links
with the metabolism of peptidoglycan, thus complying with translational and cross-sectionality
to clinical applications, which are essential for the advance of biomedicine. Thus, Dr. Juan
represents the profile of emerging senior researcher capable of attracting economic/human
resources in competitive calls, with capacity for the direction of projects and stablishment of
national/international collaborations. Besides his task as reviewer for Journals of high impact
such as "Frontiers in Microbiology", "Microbiological Research", "Scientific Reports" or "Journal
of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy", Dr Juan is Review Editor of the journal "Frontiers in Cellular
& Infection Microbiology", Editor of the Molecular Microbiology section of the "International
Journal of Molecular Sciences" and belongs to the panel of experts for projects evaluation
for the Spanish State Research Agency and for the National Center for Scientific & Technical
Evaluation of Kazakhstan.

According to data from Web of Science (August 2021), Dr. Juan's articles have been cited > 3500 times, whereas his h-index is 35. Considering all the publications of Dr. Juan (80), more than 60 are within Q1.


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Docència dels 5 anys anteriors

Assignatura Informació a l'estudi on la va impartir
11079 - Treball de Fi de Màster
11081 - Pràctiques en Grup d'Investigació
  • Màster Universitari en Microbiologia Avançada2023-24
21510 - Immunologia
21519 - Anàlisis Microbiològiques
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