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Dr. Bartolomé Deyá Tortella

Dr. Bartolomé Deyá Tortella
Professor titular d'universitat
Economia Financera i Comptabilitat
  • Despatx DB104primer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Currículum breu

Bartolome Deya Tortella, is an associate full professor in the Department of Business and Economics at the University of The Balearic Islands. He has published several academic research papers in international impact journals like International Journal of Hospitality Management, Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Water Resources Research, Water, Sustainability, Journal of Environmental Management, Advances in Accounting, Management Research, The European Accounting Review, among others. In July 2004 he received First Prize in the category of Financial Studies in Human Resources (Centro de Estudios Financieros). He is also coordinator of several international conferences, such as the International Conference of Tourism and Hospitality between China-Spain, the International Conference of Digital Tourism, etc. He has participated in 14 national and international competitive research projects. Has held different academic positions such as Full Dean of the Faculty of Tourism, director of Melia Hotels International Chair, director of Tourism and Environmental Chair, deputy director of the Department of Business Economics. Actually is the vicedean of the Faculty of Tourism.


Horari de tutories

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Docència dels 5 anys anteriors

Assignatura Informació a l'estudi on la va impartir
20516 - Finances Empresarials
20517 - Intermediació Turística
20531 - Treball de Fi de Grau de Turisme
20535 - Gestió d'Empreses d'Allotjament
21222 - Treball de Fi de Grau d'Empresa
  • Doble titulació: grau d'Administració d'Empreses i grau de Turisme2021-22, 2023-24
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