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Dr. Antoni Serra Cantallops

Dr. Antoni Serra Cantallops
Catedràtic d'universitat
Comercialització i Investigació de Mercats
  • Despatx DB111primer pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Currículum breu

He was born in Sa Pobla (1961). He holds a Degree in Economy from UNED (Madrid, 1989); a Master Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Middlessex, London (1990) and a PhD in economics from the Universitat de les Illes Balears (1996).

Professor at the Universitat de les Illes Balears since 1990 and from 1998 as Associate Professor, area of marketing and market research, at the Department of Management. He was Deputy Director at the UIB´s Official School of Tourism of UIB during the period 1992-2000.

Teaching experience in tourism and business administration, at degree level (diploma and degree) and postgraduate level (Masters and Phd courses). Currently teaching at the Degree of Business Administration (GADE) and Post-graduate courses (MTA, MBA, MTEE). He is a visiting professor in postgraduate courses in several Spanish and International Universities.

Its research activity is focused in the area of Tourism, aspects relating with marketing, market research and consumer behaviour in tourism and strategic planning at businesses level and tourism destinations.
He is the head of the research group in ‘Management and Planning of Business and Tourism Destinations’. He has been involved in several competitive research projects at Spanish and Balearic Islands level. He has taken part in many applied research projects and consultancy for different public administrations in the field of tourism. He has directed 3 doctoral theses.

He has published articles in international academic journals, such as the International Journal of Hospitality Management, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, Innovar, Tourism Planning and development, Estudios y Perspectivas en Turismo... among others. He has published 10 chapters in international books and several books, among which Tourism Marketing can be highlighted.


Horari de tutories

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Docència dels 5 anys anteriors

Assignatura Informació a l'estudi on la va impartir
20490 - Treball de Fi de Grau
20531 - Treball de Fi de Grau de Turisme
21216 - Direcció Comercial I
21222 - Treball de Fi de Grau d'Empresa


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