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Dra. Gloria Isabel Bosch Roig

Dra. Gloria Isabel Bosch Roig
Professora titular d'universitat
Filologia Alemanya
  • Despatx 10segon pisArxiduc Lluís Salvador


Currículum breu

Diplom in Tourism Degree and PhD in German Studies from the University of Bielefeld (Germany). Since 2000 Professor of Languge, Literature and German Culture at the UIB. Coordinator of the German for Professional and Specific Purposes at the Tourism Faculty. Lecturer at the Master of Modern Languages and Literatures.

Main lines of research are the Acquisition and Teaching of German Language, Needs Analysis, the image of Mallorca in Germany through film, literature and mass media, and the Literature of the Holocaust.

She organized the First International Congress of Applied Languages and Tourism at the UIB and is co editor of a scientific monograph on Peter Lang Publishing.

Researcher at the special action R+D of the Goverment of the Balearic Islands 'Tourism and the Media'.


Horari de tutories

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Docència dels 5 anys anteriors

Assignatura Informació a l'estudi on la va impartir
20528 - Alemany III
20531 - Treball de Fi de Grau de Turisme
20815 - Segona Llengua Estrangera i la seva Literatura II (Alemany)


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Grup Tipus de participació
Relat de viatges i mite insular. El viatge a les Balears. (RELATMIT) Col·laboradora
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