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Dr. Ferran Portella Carbó

Dr. Ferran Portella Carbó
Professor Titular Laboral
Economia Aplicada
  • Oficina de Gestió del Programa de Foment i Recursos Humans per a la Recercaplanta baixaSon Lledó
  • Despatx DB208segon pisGaspar Melchor de Jovellanos


Currículum breu

Appointments and Education

  • Associate Professor (Professor contractat doctor), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of the Balearic Islands: April 2023 -
  • Associate Professor (Professor contractat doctor interí), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of the Balearic Islands: Sept. 2019 - April 2023
  • Visiting Professor (Professor visitant, ajudant doctor), Faculty of Economics and Business, University of the Balearic Islands: Sept. 2018 - Aug. 2019
  • Senior Research Associate, SARChi in Industrial Development, College of Business and Economics, University of Johannesburg: Sept. 2018-
  • Senior Lecturer, School of Economics and Econometrics, University of Johannesburg: Jan. 2018 - Aug. 2018
  • Postdoctoral Fellow, South African Research Chair in Industrial Development, University of Johannesburg: June 2016-Dec. 2017
  • PhD in Economics (Cum Laude, Extraordinary Award), University of Girona (Spain): 2012- Dec. 2015
  • MA in Globalisation and Development (Distinction), The University of Warwick (UK): 2010-2011
  • MA in European Economic Studies, College of Europe (Belgium): 2009-2010
  • Llicenciatura in Economics (Extraordinary award), Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain): 2004-2009.

Academic Publications

  • Portella-Carbó, F., Pérez-Montiel, J. and Ozcelebi, O. (2023). Tourism-led economic growth across the business cycle: Evidence from Europe (1995-2021). Economic Analysis and Policy, 78, pp. 1241-1253.
  • Dejuán, Ó., Portella-Carbó, F. and Ortiz, M. (2022) Economic and environmental impacts of decarbonisation through a hybrid MRIO multiplier-accelerator model. Economic Systems Research, 34:1, 1-21, DOI: 10.1080/09535314.2020.1848808
  • Boixadera Bosch, R. and Portella-Carbó, F. (2019) Beyond the euro: limits to economic policy in the EU. Revista de Economía Crítica, monographic issue 20 years of the euro, 27, pp. 47-58.
  • Portella-Carbó, F. and Dejuán, Ó. (2019) Trade imbalances and fiscal policy in the Eurozone: An analysis of economic interrelations with a global supermultiplier input-output model. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 43(2), pp. 311-334.
  • Portella-Carbó, F. (2017) Mass Unemployment in Spain (1959-2014): the Productive Structure in the Integration into Global Capitalism. Revista de Historia Industrial, 26(67), pp. 125-157.
  • Portella-Carbó, F. (2016) Effects of International Trade on Domestic Employment: an Application of a Global Multiregional Input-Output Supermultiplier model (1995-2011). Economic Systems Research, 28 (01), pp. 95-117.


Horari de tutories

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Docència dels 5 anys anteriors

Assignatura Informació a l'estudi on la va impartir
20490 - Treball de Fi de Grau
  • Doble titulació: grau d'Administració d'Empreses i grau de Dret (Pla 2013)2019-20, 2020-21
20531 - Treball de Fi de Grau de Turisme
20611 - Estructura i Conjuntura Econòmica
20629 - Treball de Fi de Grau d'Economia
20654 - Economia Europea
21222 - Treball de Fi de Grau d'Empresa
  • Doble titulació: grau d'Administració d'Empreses i grau de Dret2023-24
  • Doble titulació: grau d'Administració d'Empreses i grau de Turisme2020-21, 2023-24
  • Grau d'Administració d'Empreses2023-24
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