Mrs. María Consolación Hernández Guerra. Manager of the University of the Balearic Islands
UIB Administration and Services Staff member
University civil service employee belonging to the University Administration and Services Staff collective since 1991, currently on the technical management scale. She has worked in various areas of university management: Accounting Service, Administrative Services of the Guillem Cifre de Colonya Building, Vice-Rector's Office for Postgraduate Studies and Administrator of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and the Doctoral School. He has been a member of 57 Quality Assurance Commissions, one for each of the master's degrees and PhD programs, a member of the Quality Assurance Commission of the Antoni M. Alcover i Sureda Building, and a member of the different Committees and Councils of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and Doctoral School.
These years she has participated, among others, in projects such as the implementation of the academic update application, ACADEMIC, and since its creation has promoted the consolidation of the Centre for Postgraduate Studies and the Doctoral School. She has participated and attended multiple conferences, congresses and courses, all of them related to university management.