The Vice Chancellor


Dr. Jaume Carot Giner

Full Professor
Area of Theoretical Physics


Jaume Carot (Tortosa, December 1960) holds a BSc in Physics from the University of Barcelona (July 1982) and a PhD in Physics from the University of the Balearic Islands (January 1987). An Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Aberdeen (UK), he carried out a two-year postdoctoral stay (1987-1989) at the Department of Mathematics, funded through a Fleming Scholarship (British Council), and has undertaken several research stays in the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Portugal. In 1993, he was hired as a contract lecturer at the University of Madeira (Portugal), where he spent one semester. He has supervised two doctoral theses and several master's theses. Currently, he is a full professor in the area of Theoretical Physics at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB).

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