Facultat d'Educació
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Ubicació i contacte
Serveis administratius
Telèfons: 971259550 / 971172800
Dean of Faculty
Vice-Dean of Faculty
Institution website
Head of Studies
Courses available at the Faculty of Education
Degree Courses
- Degree in Early Childhood Education
- Degree in Early Childhood Education Ibiza
- Degree in Early Childhood Education Minorca
- Degree in Pedagogy
- Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Science
- Degree in Primary Education
- Degree in Primary Education Ibiza
- Degree in Primary Education Minorca
- Degree in Social Education
- Degree in Social Education online
- Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022)
- Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022) Ibiza
- Double degree in Early Childhood Education and Degree in Primary Education (pla 2022) Minorca