
Publicacions en revistes

  • Ethel Allué Martí; Llorenç Picornell Gelabert; Joan Daura; Montserrat Sanz, "Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction and anthropogenic activity based on the Upper Pleistocene / Holocene anthracological record of NE Iberian Peninsula (Barcelona, Spain)", "Quaternary International", Volum 457, Pàgines 172-189, 2017. Article.
  • Picornell, Ll.; Servera, G., "Landscape practices and the everyday life in domestic spaces: perspectives for an archaeology of fuel and firewood in Bronze Age Mallorca (Balearic Islands)", "Quaternary International", 2017. Article.
  • Albero Santacreu, D.; Cau Ontíveros, M. A., "Technological choices in hand-made indigenous pottery from western Mallorca (Balearic Islands, spain) (c. 1200-75 bc): an archaeometric approach", "Archaeometry", Volum 59, Número 4, Pàgines 642-666, 2017. Article.
  • Sureda, P.; Camarós, E.; Cueto, M.; Teira, L.; Aceituno, F.; Albero, D.; Álvarez, E.; Bofill, M.; López-Dóriga, I.; Marin, D.; Masclans, A.; Picornell, L.; Revelles, J., "Surviving in the isle of Formentera (Balearic Islands): Adapted economic behavior by Bronze Age first settlers to an extreme insular environment", "Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports", Volum 12, Pàgines 860-875, 2017. Article.
  • Albero Santacreu, D., "Interpreting long-term use of raw materials in pottery production: an holistic perspective", "Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports", Volum 16, Pàgines 505-512, 2017. Article.
  • Albero Santacreu, D.; Capellà Galmés, M.A., "Archaeometrical and typological analysis of 17th century glass production in Sa Gerreria workshop (Majorca, Spain)", "Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry", Volum 17, Número 1, Pàgines 197-215, 2017. Article.
  • Albero Santacreu, D., "The Times They Were a-Changing: Cultural Encounters, Social Transformations and Technological Change in Iron Age Hand-made Pottery from Mallorca (Spain)", "Journal of Mediterranean Archaelogy", Volum 30, Número 1, Pàgines 105-131, 2017. Article.
  • Galmés Alba, Alejandra, "El turriforme escalonado de Son Ferrer, un hito de referencia en el paisaje" [Revista Materialidades, artículo online], "MATerialidadeS. Perspectivas actuales en cultura material", Volum 4, Pàgines 3-18, 2017. Article.
  • Llorenç Picornell Gelabert, Yolanda Carrión Marco, "Landscape and firewood procurement at the prehistoric and protohistoric site of Ses Païsses (island of Mallorca, Western Mediterranean)", "Quaternary International", Volum 458, Pàgines 56-74, 2017. Article.
  • Melis, M.G.; Albero, D., "Archaeometric analysis of wall coatings from the Chalcolithic site of Su Coddu (Sardinia, Italy)", "Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry", Volum 17, Número 3, Pàgines 191-200, 2017. Article.
  • Albero, D.; Melis, M.G., "Pottery and regional mobility in southern Sardinia (Italy) during the Early Copper Age: A petrological approach", "Munibe (Antropología y Arqueología)", Volum 68, 2017. Article en premsa.
  • GUERRERO, V., CALVO, M., GARCIA. J, "La transición a la Edad del Hierro en Baleares. Delos intercambios con navegación de cabotajeaborigen al comercio hegemónico fenicio", "e-Spania", Número 28, Pàgines 1-28, 2017. Article.
  • Calvo Trias, M.; García Rosselló, J.; Albero Santacreu, D.; Javaloyas Molina D., "Agentes, instituciones y prácticas en la Etnoarqueología española", "Complutum", Volum 28, Número 28, Pàgines 251-266, 2017. Article.
  • Calvo Trías,M:; García Rosselló, J.; Javaloyas Molina, D.; Albero Santacreu, D., "El techo de mi casa es particular: identidades étnicas y espacios domésticos en el distrito de Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo (noreste de Ghana)", "Complutum", Volum 28, Número 2, Pàgines 399-416, 2017. Article.
  • Javaloyas Molina, David; Salvà Cantarellas, Miquel Àngel, "Oportunidades perdidas. La docencia de la prehistoria y la arqueología en la Educación Secundaria. Un estudio de caso en Mallorca", "Arkeogazte. Revista de Arqueología", Volum 7, Pàgines 321-348, 2017. Article.