Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)
Publicacions en revistes
- Seguí, B.; Alcover, J.A., "Comparison of Paleoecological Patterns in Insular Bird Faunas: a Case-Study from the Western Mediterranean and Hawaii.", "Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology", 1999. Article.
- Palmer, M.; Pons, G.X.; Cambefort, Y. i Alcover, J.A., "Historical Processes and environmental factors as determinats of inter-island differences in endemic faunas: the case of the Balearic Islands.", "Journal of Biogeography", Número 26, Pàgines 813-826, 1999. Article.
- Boxshall, G. A.; Jaume, D., "On the origin of Misophrioid copepods from anchialine caves", "Crustaceana", Volum 72, Número 8, Pàgines 958-963, 1999. Article.
- Jaume, D.; Fosshagen, A.; Iliffe, T. M., "New cave-dwelling Pseudocyclopiids (Copepoda: Calanoida: Pseudocyclopiidae) from the Balearic, Canary and Philippine archipelagoes", "Sarsia", Volum 84, Pàgines 391-417, 1999. Article.
- Martínez-Arbizu, P.; Jaume, D., "New species of Misophriopsis and Misophriella, first record of Misophrioid copepods from Antarctic waters", "Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen", Volum 53, Pàgines 102-117, 1999. Article.