Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)
Publicacions en revistes
- Contreras-Díaz, H.; Moya, O.; Oromí, P.; Juan; C., "Phylogeography of the endangered darkling beetle species of Pimelia endemic to Gran Canaria (Canary Islands).", "Molecular Ecology", Volum 12, Pàgines 2131-2143, 2003. Article.
- Pons, J.; Gillespie, R.G., "Common origin of the satellite DNAs of the Hawaiian spiders of the genus Tetragnatha: evolutionary constraints on the length and nucleotide composition of the repeats", "Gene", Volum 313, Pàgines 169-177, 2003. Article.
- Bruvo, B.; Pons, J.; Ugarkovic, D.; Juan, C.; Petitpierre, E.; Plohl, M., "Evolution of low-copy number and major satellite DNA sequences coexisting in two Pimelia species groups (Coleoptera).", "Gene", Volum 312, Pàgines 85-94, 2003. Article.
- Palmer, M., Petitpierre, E., Pons, J, "Test of the correlation between body size and DNA content in Pimelia (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from the Canary Islands.", "European Journal of Entomology", Volum 100, Pàgines 123-129, 2003. Article.
- Pons, J., Bucur, R., Vogler, A.P, "Higher-order repeats in the satellite DNA of the cave beetle Pholeuon proserpinae glaciale (Coleoptera: Cholevidae)", "Hereditas", Volum 139, Pàgines 28-34, 2003. Article.
- Gràcia, F.; Jaume, D.; Ramis, D.; Fornós, J. J. Bover, P.; Vadell, M.; Clamor, B.; Gual, M.A., "Les coves de Cala Anguila (Manacor, Mallorca). II: La Cova Genovesa o d'en Bessó. Espeleogènesi, geomorfologia, hidrologia, sedimentologia, fauna, paleontologia, arqueologia i conservació.", "Endins", Volum 25, Pàgines 43-86, 2003. Article.
- Boxshall, G. A.; Jaume, D., "Iboyella, a new genus of epacteriscid copepod (Copepoda: Calanoida: Epacteriscidae) from Cuba", "Organisms Diversity & Evolution", Volum 3, Pàgines 85-92, 2003. Article.
- Cartes, J. E.; Jaume, D.; Madurell, T., "Local changes in the composition and community structure of suprabenthic peracarid crustaceans on the bathyal Mediterranean: influence of environmental factors", "Marine Biology", Volum 143, Pàgines 745-758, 2003. Article.