Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Rando, J.C.; Alcover, J.A.; Navarro, J.F.; García-Talavera, F.; Hutterer, R. & Michaux, J.F., "The extinction of the Lava Mouse Malpaisomys insularis (Rodentia: Muridae) from the Canary Islands: a process following the European colonisation", "Quaternary Research", Volum 70, Pàgines 141-148, 2008. Article.
  • RANDO, J.C. & ALCOVER, J.A., "A radiocarbon age provides evidence for a second Western Palaearctic seabird extinction during the last millenium: the Lava Shearwater Puffinus olsoni from the Canary Islands", "Ibis", Volum 150, Pàgines 180-192, 2008. Article.
  • Alcover, J.A., "The First Mallorcans: prehistoric colonisation in the Western Mediterranean", "Journal Of World Prehistory", Volum 21, Pàgines 19-84, 2008. Article.
  • Bover, P. & Alcover, J.A., "Extinction of the autochthonous small mammals from Mallorca (Gymnesic Islands, Western Mediterranean Sea) and its ecological consequences.", "Journal of Biogeography", Volum 35, Pàgines 1112-1122, 2008. Article.
  • Bover, P.; Quintana, J. & Alcover, J.A., "Three islands, three worlds: paleogeography and evolution of the vertebrate fauna from the Balearic Islands.", "Quaternary International", Volum 182, Pàgines 135-144, 2008. Article.
  • Jaume, D., "Global diversity of spelaeogriphaceans & thermosbaenaceans (Crustacea; Spelaeogriphacea & Thermosbaenacea) in freshwater", "Hydrobiologia", Volum 595, Pàgines 219-224, 2008. Article.
  • Jaume, D.; Boxshall, G. A., "Global diversity of cumaceans & tanaidaceans (Crustacea; Cumacea & Tanaidacea) in freshwater", "Hydrobiologia", Volum 595, Pàgines 225-230, 2008. Article.
  • Jaume, D.; Boxshall, G.A.; Gràcia F.X., "Stephos (Copepoda: Calanoida: Stephidae) from Balearic caves (W Mediterranean)", "Systematics And Biodiversity", Volum 6, Pàgines 503-520, 2008. Article.
  • Villacorta, C.; Jaume, D.; Oromí,P.; Juan, C., "Under the volcano: phylogeography and evolution of the cave-dwelling Palmorchestia hypogaea (Amphipoda, Crustacea) at La Palma (Canary Islands)", "Bmc Biology", Volum 6, Número 7, 2008. Article.
  • Petitpierre, E.; Vives, E., "Nuevas citas de Cerambycidae y Chrysomelidae de la Península Ibérica e Islas Baleares (Col. Phytophaga)", "Boletin de la Asociación Española de Entomología", Volum 32, Número 3-4, Pàgines 385-388, 2008. Article.