Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)
Publicacions en revistes
- Hernández-Teixidor D, López H, Pons J, Juan C, Oromí P., "Host plant associations and geographical factors in the diversification of the Macaronesian Rhopalomesites beetles (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)", "Journal of Biogeography", Volum 43, Pàgines 1608-1619, 2016. Article.
- Cánovas F, Jurado-Rivera JA, Cerro-Gálvez E, Juan C, Jaume D, Pons J, "DNA barcodes, cryptic diversity and phylogeography of a W Mediterranean assemblage of thermosbaenacean crustaceans" [], "Zoologica Scripta", Volum 45, Número 6, Pàgines 659-670, 2016. Article.
- Jurado-Rivera José A; Jaume D; Juan C; Pons J, "The complete mitochondrial genome of the cave shrimp Typhlatya miravetensis (Decapoda, Atyidae) with notes on its systematic position", "Mitochondrial Dna", Volum 1, Número 1, Pàgines 847-848, 2016. Article.
- Juan C; Jurado-Rivera JA; Moreno E; Wolff C; Jaume D; Pons D, "The mitogenome of the amphipod Hyalella lucifugax (Crustacea) and its phylogenetic placement", "Mitochondrial Dna", Volum 1, Número 1, Pàgines 755-756, 2016. Article.
- Cánovas, F.; Jurado-Rivera, J.A.; Cerro-Gálvez, E.; Juan, C.; Jaume, D.; Pons. J., "DNA barcodes, cryptic diversity and phylogeographic structure in a western Mediterranean assemblage of thermosbaenacean crustaceans (Monodellidae)", "Zoologica Scripta", Volum 45, Pàgines 659-670, 2016. Article.
- Gerovasileiou, V.; Martínez, A.; Alvarez, F.; Boxshall G.A.; Humphreys, W.F.; Jaume, D.; Becking, L.; Muricy, G.; van Hengstum, P.; Dekeyzer, S.; Decock, W.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vandepitte, L;. Bailly, N.; Iliffe, T.M., "World Register of Marine Cave Species (WoRCS): a new thematic species database for marine and anchialine cave biodiversity", "Research Ideas and Outcomes", Volum 2, Número e10451, 2016. Article.
- Kvifte, Gunnar; Stokkan, Morten; Wagner, Rüdiger, "Review of the Psychodinae from Mallorca, Spain, with description of Pericoma unipennata, sp. n. (Diptera, Psychodidae)", "Zookeys", Volum 577, Número 7679, Pàgines 149-160, 2016. Article.
- Jesus Gomez-Zurita, Anabela Cardoso, Indiana Coronado, Jesus Gomez-Zurita; Anabela Cardoso; Indiana Coronado; Gissela De la Cadena; José A. Jurado-Rivera; Jean-Michel Maes; Tinguaro Montelongo; Dinh Nguyen; Anna Papadopoulou, "High-throughput biodiversity analysis: Rapid assessment of species richness and ecological interactions of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in the tropics", "Zookeys", Volum 597, Pàgines 2-26, 2016. Article.
- Jurado-Rivera, J.A.; Jaume, D.; Juan, C.; Pons, J., "The complete mitocondrial genome of the cave shrimp Typhlatya miravetensis (Decapoda, Atyidae) and its systematic position", "Mitochondrial Dna Part B-Resources", Volum 1, Pàgines 847-848, 2016. Article.
- Riedel, A.; Tänzler, R.; Pons, J.; Suhardjono, Y. R.; Balke, M., "Large-scale molecular phylogeny of Cryptorhynchinae (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) from multiple genes suggests American origin and later Australian radiation.", "Systematic Entomology", 2016. Article.
- Hernández-Teixidor, D.; López, H.; Pons, J.; Juan, C.; Oromí, P., "Ecological and genetic factors in the evolution of Macaronesian Rhopalomesites (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) bark weevils.", "Journal of Biogeography", 2016. Article.
- Bover, P.; Valenzuela, A.; Torres, E.; Cooper, A.; Pons, J.; Alcover, J.A., "Closing the gap: new data on the last documented Myotragus and the first human evidence on Mallorca (Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean Sea)", "Holocene", 2016. Article.