Ecologia interdisciplinària (EI)
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- Piña, S.. , "Revista científica", Biota Balear. Volúm 2 (2012). Espanya, 2012. Editor.
- Sureda, A.; Tejada, S.; Box, A.; Benedicto, J.; Deudero, S.. , "Comparative study in the bivalve capacity for metal bioaccumulation in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Mytilus Galloprovincialis as an adequate sentinel species for monitoring coastal waters", Metal contamination: sources, detection and environmental impact. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2012. Capítol de llibre.
- G. Gaglianone; V. Frezza; G. Mateu-Vicens; M. Brandano. , "Surface sediments of seagrass meadows along the Tyrrhenian continental shelf (Italy)", 86° Congresso della Società Geologica Italiana Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It.. Itàlia, 2012. Acta de congrés.