Física Experimental de Sistemes Complexos (FESC)
Participació en congressos
- Konstantin Hicke; Otti D'Huys; Valentin Flunkert; Eckehard Schöll; Jan Danckaert; Ingo Fischer. , "asymmetries in delay coupled systems: mismatches and their impact on dynamics and synchronization of two coupled lasers". "DPG Frühjahrstagung Dresden 2011 (German Physical Society Annual Meeting 2011)", Dresden, Alemanya, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Hicke, K.; Tiana-Alsina, J.; Porte, X.; Garcia-Ojalvo, J.; Fischer, I.. , "Zero-lag synchronization of two delay-coupled lasers: the role of detuning". "CLEO Europe/EQEC 2011", München, Alemanya, 2011. Pòster.
- Porte, X.; Tiana-Alsina, J.; Hicke, K.; García-Ojalvo, J.; Fischer, I.. , "Experimental characterization of bubbling in delay-coupled semiconductor lasers". "CLEO Europe / EQEC 2011", Munich, Alemanya, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Soriano, M.C.; Zunino, L.; Larger, L.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C.R.. , "Discriminating Chaotic and Stochastic Dynamics in an Optoelectronic Oscillator with Delayed Feedback". "CLEO Europe EQEC 2011", Múnich, Alemanya, 2011. Pòster.
- Soriano, M.C.; Zunino, L.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C.R.. , "Time delay identification using permutation information theory quantifiers". "XVII Congreso de Física Estadística FISES'11", Barcelona, Espanya, 2011. Pòster.
- Soriano, M.C.; Brunner, D.; Appeltant, L.; Mirasso, C.R.; Fischer, I.; Larger, L.. , "A Novel Experimental Approach for Information Processing in Photonics". "2011 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA 2011)", Kobe, Japó, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Oliver, N.; Soriano, M.C.; Sukow, D.W.; Fischer, I.. , "Dynamics of semiconductor lasers with polarization rotated feedback and its applications for fast random bit generation". "European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Europe) and the XIIth European Quantum Electronics Conference 2011", Munich, Alemanya, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Oliver, N.; Soriano, M.C.; Sukow, D.W.; Fischer, I.. , "Dynamics of semiconductor lasers with polarization rotated feedback and its applications for fast random bit generation". "Summer School on Statistical Physics of Complex and Small Systems", Palma de Mallorca, Espanya, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Ingo Fischer. , "Dynamics and Synchronization of Delay-Coupled Systems: Lasers meet the brain". "International Colloquium "Order and Chaos in Physical Systems: Analysis and Control"", Berlin, Alemanya, 2011. Conferència convidada.
- Ingo Fischer. , "Systems Coupled with Delay: Dynamics and Applications". "Workshop on New Developments in Dynamical Systems Arising from the Biosciences", Columbus, OH, Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2011. Conferència convidada.
- Ingo Fischer. , "Dynamics and synchronization of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers". "Workshop on Delay Differential Equations in Applications: Common Themes and Methods", Vancouver, Canadà, 2011. Presentació comunicació.
- Ingo Fischer. , "Dynamics and synchronization of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers". "Synchronization in Network Motifs of Delay-Coupled Oscillators", Vancouver, Canadà, 2011. Conferència convidada.
- Fischer, I.. , "Semiconductor Lasers: Properties, types and applications". "2nd International Conference on 'Low Cost High Physics and Appropriate Solutions to Real Life Problems in Developing Countries'", Yaounde, Camerun, 2011. Conferència convidada.
- Fischer, I.. , "Information processing using delay systems". "2nd International Conference on 'Low Cost High Physics and Appropriate Solutions to Real Life Problems in Developing Countries'", Yaounde, Camerun, 2011. Conferència convidada.
- Claudio Mirasso. , "Synchronization in delayed-coupled systems". "Low Cost High Physics and Appropriate Solutions to Real World Problems in Developping Countries", Yaounde, Camerun, 2011. Conferència convidada.