Física Experimental de Sistemes Complexos (FESC)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Larger, L.; Soriano, M.C.; Brunner, D.; Appeltant, L.; Gutierrez, J.M.; Pesquera, L.; Mirasso, C.R.; Fischer, I., "Photonic information processing beyond Turing: an optoelectronic implementation of reservoir computing", "Optics Express", Volum 20, Número 3, Pàgines 3241-3249, 2012. Article.
  • Tiana-Alsina, J.; Hicke, K.; Porte, X.; Soriano, M.C.; Torrent, M.C.; Garcia-Ojalvo, J.; Fischer, I., "Zero-lag synchronization and bubbling in delay-coupled lasers" [http://pre.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v85/i2/e026209], "Physical Review E", Volum 83, Número 2, Pàgines 026209(1)-026209(5), 2012. Article.
  • Gonzalez, C.M.; Soriano, M.C.; Torrent, M.C.; Garcia-Ojalvo, J.; Fischer, I., "Oynamical and Synchronization Properties of Delay-Coupled Lasers", "John Wiley", 2012. Article.
  • Soriano, M.C.; Van der Sande, G.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C.R., "Synchronization in simple network motifs with negligible correlation and mutual information measures" [http://prl.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v108/i13/e134101], "Physical Review Letters", Volum 108, Número 13, Pàgines 134101(1)-134101(5), 2012. Article.
  • Boccaletti, S.; Cantero, J.L.; Chávez, M.; Egiazarian, K.; Fischer, I.; Gómez-herrero, G.; Mirasso, C.; Pipa, G.; Singer, W.; Villa, A.E.P.; García-Ojalvo, J., "Global Approach to Brain Activity : from Cognition to Disease", "Lecture Notes ICST", 2012. Article.
  • Escalona-Morán, M.; Paredes, G.; Cosenza, M.G., "Complexity, information transfer and collective behavior in chaotic dynamical networks", "International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics", Volum 26, Número 2, Pàgines 58-66, 2012. Article.
  • Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Soriano, M.C.; Fischer, I., "Real-time frequency dynamics and high-resolution spectra of a semiconductor laser with delayed feedback", "Scientific Reports", Volum 2, Pàgines 732, 2012. Article.
  • D'Huys, O.; Fischer, I.; Danckaert, J.: Vicente, R., "Spectral and correlation properties of rings of delay-coupled elements: Comparing linear and nonlinear systems" [http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056209], "Physical Review E", Volum 85, Número 5, Pàgines 056209(1)-056209(5), 2012. Article.
  • Gollo, L.L.; Mirasso, C; Eguíluz, V.M., "Signal integration enhances the dynamic range in neuronal systems", "Physical Review E", Volum 85, Pàgines 040902(R), 2012. Article.
  • Munar, E.; Nadal, M.; Castellanos, N.P.; Flexas, A.; Maestú, F.; Mirasso, C.; Cela-Conde, C.J., "Aesthetic appreciation: event-related field and time-frequency analyses", "Frontiers In Human Neuroscience", Volum 5, Número 1, Pàgines 185, 2012. Article.
  • Mayol, C.; Mirasso, C.R.; Toral, R., "Anticipated synchronization and the predict-prevent control method in the FitzHugh-Nagumo model system", "Physical Review E", Volum 85, Número 5, Pàgines 056216-1-056216-6, 2012. Article.
  • Zunino, L.; Soriano, M.C.; Rosso, O.A, "Distinguishing chaotic and stochastic dynamics from time series by using a multiscale symbolic approach" [URL], "Physical Review E", Volum 86, Número 4, Pàgines 046210(1)-046210(10), 2012. Article.
  • Brunner, D.; Porte, X.; Soriano, M.C.; Fischer, I., "Real-time frequency dynamics and high-resolution spectra of a semiconductor laser with delayed feedback" [http://www.nature.com/srep/2012/121012/srep00732/full/srep00732.html], "Scientific Reports", Volum 2, Número 732, Pàgines 1-5, 2012. Article.
  • A. Argyris; E. Pikasis; S. Deligiannidis; D. Syvridis, "Sub-Tb/s physical random bit generators based on direct detection of amplified spontaneous emission signals", "Journal of Lightwave Technology", Volum 30, Número 9, Pàgines 1329-1334, 2012. Article.
  • M. Bourmpos; A. Argyris; D. Syvridis, "Sensitivity analysis of a star optical network based on mutually coupled semiconductor lasers", "Journal of Lightwave Technology", Volum 30, Número 16, Pàgines 2618-2624, 2012. Article.