Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Chernenko, V. A.; Pons, J.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E., "Premartensitic phenomena and other phase transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys studied by dynamical mechanical analysis and electron diffraction", "Acta Materialia", Volum 50, Pàgines 53-60, 2002. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Golyandin, S.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Cesari, E.; van Humbeeck, J.; De Batist, R., "Influence of martensite stabilisation on the low-temperature non-linear anelasticity in Cu-Zn-Al shape memory alloys", "Acta Materialia", Volum 50, Pàgines 3023-3044, 2002. Article.
  • L'vov, V.; Chernenko, V.; Cesari, E.; Pons, J., "Thermodynamics of thermoelastic transformations: Experiment and Theory", "Recent Research Developments in Materials Science and Engineering", Volum 1, Pàgines 673-733, 2002. Article.
  • Marinelli, P.; Baruj, A.; Pons, J.; Sade, M.; Fernández-Guillermet, A.; Cesari, E., "The enthalpy change of the hcp →fcc martensitic transformation in Fe-Mn alloys: composition dependence and effects of thermal cycling", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum A335, Pàgines 137-146, 2002. Article.
  • Chernenko, V. A.; L'vov, Cesari,E.; Pons, J.; Portier, R.; Zagorodnyuk, S. P., "New aspects of structural and magnetic behaviour of martensites in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys", "Materials Transactions", Volum 43, Pàgines 856-860, 2002. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Morin, M., "Two-stage reverse transformation in hyperstabilized Β1 ' martensite", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 46, Pàgines 817-822, 2002. Article.
  • Ochin, P.; Dezellus, A.; Plaindoux, Ph.; Portier, R.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Koslov, A., "Preparation and characterization of Cu-based shape memory thin wires obtained by in rotating water melt spinning", "Materials Science Forum", Volum 394-395, Pàgines 503-506, 2002. Article.
  • Morgiel, J.; Cesari, E.; Pons, J.; Pasko, A.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Microstructure and martensite transformation in aged Ti-25Ni-25Cu shape memory melt spun ribbons", "Journal of Materials Science", Volum 37, Pàgines 5319-5325, 2002. Article.
  • N. P. Kobelev, Y. M. Soifer YM, S. N. Golyandin, S. B. Kustov et al:, "Shock loading effect on the MHz-range amplitude-independent internal friction and elastic properties of the beta'(1) martensite phase in Cu-Al-Ni alloys", "Physica Status Solidi a-Applications And Materials Science", Volum 191, Pàgines 33-41, 2002. Article.
  • K. Sapozhnikov, S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, et al., "Transient interanl friction during thermal cycling of Cu-Al-Ni single crystal in beta '(1) martensitic phase", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 47, Pàgines 459-465, 2002. Article.
  • S. Golyandin, S. Kustov, S. Nikanorov, K: Sapozhnikov, A. Sinani, J. Van Humbeeck, R. Schaller, R. De Batist, "The effect of shock-wave loading on transformation temperatures, elastic and anelastic properties of β'1 martensitic Cu-Al-Ni single crystals", "Philosophical Magazine A-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and", Volum 82, Número 12, Pàgines 2419-2440, 2002. Article.
  • R. Forteza, M. Far, V. Cerdà, C. Seguí, "Propiedades físicas y químicas de las escorias resultantes de la incineración de residuos sólidos urbanos", "Revista Tècnica de Medi Ambiente (RETEMA)", Volum 91, Pàgines 9-19, 2002. Article.
  • A. Amengual, "La difracción y el método de Laue", "Revista Española de Física", Volum 16, Pàgines 39-43, 2002. Article.
  • A. Amengual, "Sobre la órbita heliocéntrica de la Luna", "Revista Española de Física", Volum 16, Pàgines 50-51, 2002. Article.