Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Pons, J.; Santamarta, R.; Chernenko, V.A.; Cesari, E., "Long period martensitic structures of Ni-Mn-Ga alloys studied by high resolution.", "Journal of Applied Physics", Volum 97, Número 8, Pàgines 083516-1-083516-7, 2005. Article.
  • Seguí, C.; Chernenko, V. A.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Khovailo, V.; Takagi, T., "Low temperature induced intermartensitic phase transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal", "Acta Materialia", Volum 53, Pàgines 111-120, 2005. Article.
  • Chernenko, V. A.; Cesari, E.; Khovailo, V.; Pons, J.; Seguí, C.; Takagi, T., "Intermartensitic phase transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga studied under magnetic field", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volum 290, Pàgines 871-873, 2005. Article.
  • Masdeu, F.; Pons, J.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Some features of Ni-Fe-Ga shape memory alloys under compresion", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volum 290, Pàgines 816-819, 2005. Article.
  • Sidot, E.; Kahn-Harari, A.; Cesari, E.; Rabbiola, L., "The lattice parameter of α-bronzes as a function of solute content: application to archaeological materials", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 393, Pàgines 147-156, 2005. Article.
  • Seguí, C.; Chernenko, V. A.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Low-temperature-induced intermartensitic phase transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volum 290, Pàgines 811-815, 2005. Article.
  • Pérez-Landazábal, J. L.; Gómez-Polo, C.; Recarte, V.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Ochin, P., "Characterization of the martensitic transformation in melt-spun NiMnGa ribbons by magnetoinductive effect", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volum 290, Pàgines 826-828, 2005. Article.
  • Cesari, E.; Chernenko, V. A.; Font, J.; Muntasell, J., "AC technique applied to cp measurements in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys", "Thermochimica Acta", Volum 433, Pàgines 165-168, 2005. Article.
  • L'vov, V. A.; Rudenko, A. A.; Chernenko, V. A.; Cesari, E.; Pons, J.; Kanomata, T., "Stress-induced martensitic transformation and superelasticity of alloys: experiment and theory", "Materials Transactions", Volum 46, Pàgines 790-797, 2005. Article.
  • V. A. L'vov, C. Picornell, J. Pons, E. Cesari, "Statistical description of mechanical stabilization of Cu-Al-Ni martensite", "Materials Transactions", Volum 46, Pàgines 983-989, 2005. Article.
  • Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Font, J.; Muntasell, J.; Chernenko, V. A., "Martensite stabilization in a high temperature NI-Mn-Ga alloy", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 53, Número 3, Pàgines 315-318, 2005. Article.
  • Chernenko, V.A.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Ishikawa, K., "Stress-Temperature Phase Diagram of a Ferromagnetic Ni-Mn-Ga Shape Memory Alloy", "Acta Materialia", Volum 53, Pàgines 5071-5077, 2005. Article.
  • Van Humbeeck, J.; Kustov, S., "Active and passive damping of noise and vibrations through shape memory alloys: applications and mechanisms", "Smart Materials & Structures", Volum 14, Pàgines S171-S185, 2005. Article.
  • Golyandin, S. N.; Sapozhnikov, K. V.; Kustov, S. B. Kustov, S., "Acoustic study of martensitic-phase aging in copper-based shape momory alloys", "Physics of the Solid State", Volum 47, Pàgines 638-645, 2005. Article.
  • Antoni Amengual, "Sobre les simulacions que mostren una trajectòria incorrecta de la Lluna", "Revista del Col·legi Oficial de Doctors i Llicenciats de Balears", Número 16, Pàgines 14-16, 2005. Article.