Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Torrens-Serra, J.; Peral, I.; Rodriguez-Viejo, J.; Clavaguera-Mora, M.T., "Microstructure evolution and grain size distribution in nanocrystalline FeNbBCu from synchrotron XRD and TEM analysis", "Journal of non-Crystalline Solids", Volum 358, Pàgines 107-113, 2012. Article.
  • Salas, D.; Cesari, E.; Golovin, I.; Kustov, S., "Magnetomechanical and structural internal friction in Ni-Mn-In-Co matamagnetic shape memory alloy", "Solid State Phenomena", Volum 184, Pàgines 372-377, 2012. Article.
  • Chumlyakov, Yu.I.; Kireeva, I.V.; Pachenko, E-Yu.; Kirillov, V.A.; Timofeeva, E.E.; Kretinina, I.V.; Danil'son, Yu.N.; Karaman, I.; Maier, H.; Cesari, E., "Thermoelastic martensitic transformations in single crystals with disperse particles", "Russian Physics Journal", Volum 54, Pàgines 937-950, 2012. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Salas, D.; Cesari, E.; Santamarta, R.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Isothermal and athermal martensitic transformations in Ni-Ti shape memory alloys", "Acta Materialia", Volum 60, Número 6-7, Pàgines 2578-2592, 2012. Article.
  • Recarte, V.; Pérez-Landazábal, J.I.; Sánchez-Alarcos, V.; Zablotskii, V.; Cesari, E.; Kustov, S., "Entropy change linked to the martensitic transformation in metamagnetic shape memory alloys", "Acta Materialia", Volum 60, Pàgines 3168-3175, 2012. Article.
  • Segui, C.; Cesari, E., "Composition and atomic order effects on the structural and magnetic transformations in ferromagnetic Ni-Co-Mn-Ga shape memory alloys", "Journal of Applied Physics", Volum 111, Número 4, Pàgines 043914, 2012. Article.
  • Golovin, I.S.; Pons, J.; Kustov, S.B.; Cesari, E., "Effect of thermal cycling on martensitic γ ↔ ε transformation in alloy Fe-22% Mn-3% Si", "Metal Science and Heat Treatment", Volum 54, Número 5-6, Pàgines 267-270, 2012. Article.
  • Pérez-Landazábal, J.I.; Recarte, V.; Sánchez-Alarcos, V.; Kustov, S.; Salas, D.; Cesari, E., "Effect of magnetic field on the isothermal transformation of a Ni-Mn-ln-Co magnetic shape memory alloy", "Intermetallics", Volum 28, Pàgines 144-148, 2012. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Santamarta, R.; Salas, D.; Cesari, E.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Hyperstabilization of Martensites", "Functional Materials Letters", Volum 5, Número 1, Pàgines 1250005-1-1250005-4, 2012. Article.
  • Pérez-Landazábal, J.L.; Recarte, V.; Sánchez-Alarcos, V.; Kustov, S.; Cesari, E., "Non-equilibrium martensitic transformation in metamagnetic shape memory alloys", "Journal of Alloys and Compounds", Volum 536S, Pàgines S277-S281, 2012. Article.