de Paula, V.; Curto, J. J.; Oliver, R., "The cyclic behaviour in the N-S asymmetry of sunspots and solar plages for the period 1910 to 1937 using data from Ebro catalogues", "Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society", Volum 512, Pàgines 5726-5742, 2022. Article.
M. Stangalini; G. Verth; V. Fedun; A. A. Aldhafeeri; D. B. Jess; S. Jafarzadeh; P. H. Keys; B. Fleck; J. Terradas; M. Murabito; I. Ermolli; R. Soler; F. Giorgi; C. D. MacBride, "Large scale coherent magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a sunspot", "Nature Communications", Volum 13, Número 479, Pàgines 1-9, 2022. Article.
J. Terradas; A. F. - Viñas; J. A. Araneda, "Excitation of ion-acoustic waves by non-linear finite-amplitude standing Alfvén waves", "Astronomy and Astrophysics", Número 660, Pàgines A24, 2022. Article.
Kuridze, D.; Heinzel, P.; Koza, J.; Oliver, R., "Dark Off-limb Gap: Manifestation of a Temperature Minimum and the Dynamic Nature of the Chromosphere", "The Astrophysical Journal", Volum 937, Número 2, 2022. Article.
Martínez-Gómez, D.; Oliver, R.; Khomenko, E.; Collados, M., "Large ion-neutral drift velocities and plasma heating in partially ionized coronal rain blobs", "Astrophysical Journal Letters", Volum 940, Pàgines L47-9, 2022. Article.