Física de Nanosistemes (FISNANO)
Publicacions en revistes
- Osca, J.; Serra, L., "Current distributions in stripe Majorana junctions", "European Physical Journal B", Volum 90, Número 28, Pàgines 1-7, 2017. Article.
- Sitek, A.; Tolea, M.; Nita, M.; Serra, L.; Gudmundsson, V.; Manolescu, A., "In-gap corner states in core-shell polygonal quantum rings", "Scientific Reports", Volum 7, Número 40197, Pàgines 40197-1-40197-8, 2017. Article.
- Andrei Manolescu; Anna Sitek; Javier Osca; Llorenc? Serra; Vidar Gudmundsson; Tudor Dan Stanescu, "Majorana states in prismatic core-shell nanowires", "Physical Review B", Volum 96, Pàgines 125435-1-125435-13, 2017. Article.
- Osca, J.; Serra, L., "Topological suppression of magnetoconductance oscillations in normal-superconductor junctions", "Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics", Volum 254, Número 10, Pàgines 1700135-1-1700135-7, 2017. Article.
- Erlingsson, S. I.; Manolescu, A.; Nemnes, G. A.; Bardarson, J. H.; Sánchez, D., "Reversal of thermoelectric current in tubular nanowires", "Physical Review Letters", Volum 119, Pàgines 036804-1-036804-6, 2017. Article.
- Sierra, M. A.; López, R.; Sánchez, D., "Fate of the spin-1/2 Kondo effect in the presence of temperature gradients", "Physical Review B", Volum 96, Pàgines 085416-1-085416-14, 2017. Article.
- Miguel A. Sierra; Rosa López; David Sánchez, "Fate of the spin-1/2 kondo effect in the presence of temperature gradients", "Physical Review B", Volum 96, Pàgines 085416, 2017. Article.
- Hwang, S.-Y. ; Sánchez, D.; López, R., "Nonlinear electric and thermoelectric Andreev transport through a hybrid quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic and superconducting leads", "European Physical Journal B", Volum 90, Pàgines 189-1-189-7, 2017. Article.