Metabolisme energètic i nutrició (GMEIN)
Publicacions en revistes
- Pujol, E.; Proenza, A.M.; Roca, P.; Lladó, I., "Changes in mammary fat pad composition and lipolytic capacity throughout pregnancy.", "Cell and Tissue Research", Volum 323, Pàgines 505-511, 2006. Article.
- Ramis, J.M.; Salinas, R.; García-Sanz, J.M.; Moreiro, J.; Proenza, A.M.; Lladó, I., "Depot- and gender-related differences in the lipolytic pathway of adipose tissue from severely obese patients", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 17, Pàgines 173-180, 2006. Article.
- Thomàs-Moyà, E.; Gianotti, M.; Lladó, I. and Proenza, A.M., "Effects of caloric restriction and gender on rat serum paraoxonase 1 activity.", "Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry", Volum 17, Número 3, Pàgines 197-203, 2006. Article.
- Alcolea, M.P.; Colom, B.; Lladó, I.; Gianotti, M. i García-Palmer, F.J., "Mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) is increased in rat embryo during placentation and associated with mitochondrial differentiation.", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 17, Número 1-2, Pàgines 79-88, 2006. Article.
- Rodriguez-Cuenca, S.; Gianotti, M.; Roca, P.; Proenza, A.M., "Sex steroid receptor expression in different adipose depots is modified during mid-pregnancy.", "Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology", Volum 249, Número 1-2, Pàgines 58-63, 2006. Article.
- Thomàs-Moyà, E.; Gianotti, M.; Proenza, A.M. and Lladó, I., "The age-related paraoxonase 1 response is altered by long-term caloric restriction in male and female rats", "Journal of Lipid Research", Volum 47, Pàgines 2042-2048, 2006. Article.