Metabolisme energètic i nutrició (GMEIN)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Valle, A.; Guevara, R.; García-Palmer, F.J.; Roca, P.; Oliver, J., "Caloric restriction retards the age-related decline in mitochondrial function of brown adipose tissue." [PubMed], "Rejuvenation Research", Volum 11, Número 3, Pàgines 597-604, 2008. Article.
  • Valle, A.; Hoggard, N.; Adams, A.C.; Roca, P.; Speakman, J.R., "Chronic central administration of apelin-13 over ten days increases food intake, body weight, locomotor activity and body temperature in C57BL/6 mice", "Journal of Neuroendocrinology", Volum 20, Número 1, Pàgines 79-84, 2008. Article.
  • Valle, A.; Silvestre, E.; Moreno, M.; Chambery, A.; Oliver, J.; Roca, P.; Goglia, F., "Combined effect of gender and caloric restriction on liver proteomic expression profile", "Journal of Proteome Research", Volum 7, Número 7, Pàgines 2872-2881, 2008. Article.
  • Guevara, R.; Valle, A.; Gianotti, M; Roca, P.; Oliver, J., "Gender-dependent differences in serum profiles of insulin and leptin in caloric restricted rats.", "Hormone and Metabolic Research", Volum 40, Número 1, Pàgines 38-43, 2008. Article.
  • Gómez-Pérez, Y; Amengual-Cladera, E.; Català-Niell, A.; Thomàs-Moyà, E.; Gianotti, M.; Proenza, A.M.; Lladó, I., "Gender Dimorphism in High-Fat-Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle of Aged Rats.", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 22, Pàgines 539-548, 2008. Article.
  • Thomàs-Moyà, E.; Gómez-Pérez, Y.; Fiol, M.; Gianotti, M.; Lladó, I.; Proenza, A.M., "Gender related differences in Paraoxonase 1 response to high-fat diet induced oxidative stress.", "Obesity", Volum 16, Pàgines 2232-2238, 2008. Article.
  • Garcia-Palmer, F.J., "Lack of functional assembly in mitochondrial supercomplexes: a new insight into impaired mitochondrial function?" [http://doi:10.1093/cvr/cvn213], "Cardiovascular Research", Volum 80, Número 1, Pàgines 3-4, 2008. Ressenya.
  • Alcolea, M.P.; Colom, B.; Amengual-Cladera, E.; Lladó, I.; Gianotti, M. and García-Palmer, F.J., "Rat visceral yolk sac (VYS) and placental mitochondrial features during the placentation period", "Mitochondrion", Volum 8, Pàgines 389-395, 2008. Article.
  • Català-Niell, A.; Estrany, M.E.; Proenza, A.M.; Gianotti, M.; Lladó, I., "Skeletal muscle and liver oxidative metabolism in response to a voluntary isocaloric intake of a high fat diet in male and female rats.", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 22, Pàgines 327-336, 2008. Article.
  • Valle, A.; Santandreu F.M.; Garcia-Palmer, F.J.; Roca, P.; Oliver, J., "The serum levels of 17β-estradiol, progesterone and triiodothyronine correlate with brown adipose tissue thermogenic parameters during aging", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 22, Número 1-4, Pàgines 337-346, 2008. Article.