Feldhausen, I., Vanrell, M.M.. , "Prosody, Focus, and Word order in Catalan and Spanish. An Optimality Theoretic Approach.", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production. Alemanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
Vanrell, M.M., Fernández-Soriano, O.. , "Dialectal variation at the Prosody-Syntax interface: Evidence from Catalan and Spanish interrogatives.", Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014.. Irlanda, 2014. Acta de congrés.
Vanrell, M.M., Amstrong, A., Prieto, P.. , "The role of prosody in the encoding of evidentiality in Catalan.", Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014.. Irlanda, 2014. Acta de congrés.
Stella, A., Vanrell, M.M., Iraci, M., Prieto, P., Gili-Fivela, B.. , "Intergestural coordination between tonal and oral gestures in Catalan, Italian and Spanish.", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production.. Alemanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
Vanrell, M.M.; Ballone, F.; Schirru, C.; Prieto, P.. , "Lexicosyntactic and intonational marking of evidential and epistemic bias in Sardinian yes-no questions.", Fonética Experimental, Educación Superior e Investigación, III. Prosodia.. Espanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
Barceló-Coblijn, L.; Gomila, A.. , "Syntactic development in phenotypic space", The Evolution of Language. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference (EVOLANG 10). Singapur, 2014. Capítol de llibre.
Benet, Ariadna; Kireva, Elena; Pesková, Andrea; Gabriel, Christoph. , "Transferencia prosódica del italiano al español: el ritmo en el español de Buenos Aires y en el español como L2 de hablantes nativos de italiano", Fonética experimental, educación superior e investigación. Espanya, 2014. Capítol de llibre.