Grup de Sistemes Electrònics (GSE)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Rafel Perelló-Roig; Jaume Verd; Sebastià Bota; Jaume Segura, "Impact of Fluid Flow on CMOS-MEMS Resonators Oriented to Gas Sensing", "Sensors", Volum 20, Número 17, 2020. Article.
  • Daniel Malagón; Gabriel Torrens; Jaume Segura; Sebastià A. Bota, "Single Event upsets characterization of 65 nm CMOS 6T and 8T SRAM cells for ground level environment", "Microelectronics Reliability", Volum 110, 2020. Article.
  • G. Torrens ; A. Alheyasat; B. Alorda ; S. Barceló; J. Segura; S. A. Bota, "Transistor Width Effect on the Power Supply Voltage Dependence of α-SER in CMOS 6T SRAM", "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", Volum 67, Número 5, Pàgines 811-817, 2020. Article.