Química de materials (MATER)

Participació en congressos

  • C. Otero Areán, V. Montouillout, D. Massiot, G. Turnes Palomino, J. J. Cuart Pascual, M. Rodríguez Delgado. , "Brønsted and Lewis acidity of gallium substituted MCM-41 and gallia-silica xerogels: MAS NMR and FTIR spectroscopic studies". "7th European Congress on Catalysis (EuropaCat-VII)", Sofia, Bulgària, 2005. Pòster.
  • Montserrat Rodríguez Delgado, Sandra Sánchez Salcedo, Francisco Balas, Julio Ramírez, Carlos Otero Areán, José M. González Calbet, María Vallet Regí. , "Síntesis y caracterización de nanoesferas de SiO2". "XXII Reunión Bienal de la Sociedad de Microscopía de España", Granada, Espanya, 2005. Pòster.
  • G. Turnes Palomino, M. Rodríguez Delgado, N. M. Tsyganenko, A. A. Tsyganenko, E. Garrone, B. Bonelli, O. V. Manoilova, C. Otero Areán. , "Variable temperature FTIR studies on the interaction between molecular hydrogen and alkali-metal-exchanged ZSM-5 zeolites". "3rd International FEZA (Federation of European Zeolite Associations) Conference", Praga, República Txeca, 2005. Pòster.
  • E. Ruiz-Hernandez, M. Rodríguez Delgado, D. Arcos, M. Manzano, M. Vallet-Regí. , "Organic-inorganic hybrid solids for bone replacement". "The 10th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry (ECSSC10)", Sheffield, Anglaterra, 2005. Pòster.
  • M. Rodríguez Delgado, V. Montouillout, D. Massiot and C. Otero Areán. , "Cation distribution in gamma-Al2O3/Ga2O3 mixed spinels as determined by high resolution MAS NMR spectroscopy". "The 10th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry (ECSSC10)", Sheffield, Anglaterra, 2005. Pòster.
  • M. Rodríguez Delgado, C. Otero Areán. , "Química de superficie de óxidos mixtos Ga2O3-SiO2 y Ga2O3-Al2O3: estudio mediante espectroscopía NMR y FTIR". "XXX Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Química", Lugo, Espanya, 2005. Pòster.
  • C. Otero Areán. , "Probing periodic porous solids and adsorbed molecules with FTIR spectroscopy: Recent developments in a classical field". "10th European Conference on Solid State Chemistry", Sheffield, Anglaterra, 2005. Conferència convidada.
  • S. Bodoardo, S. Fiorilli, E. Garrone, B. Onida, C. Otero Areán, N. Penazzi, G. Turnes Palomino. , "Methylene blue incorporated into Na-X zeolite: Characterization and electrochemical activity". "Solid-State Ionics", Baden-Baden, Alemanya, 2005. Pòster.
  • C. Otero Areán, B. Bonelli, E. Garrone, G. Turnes Palomino, V. Yanko, A. A. Tsyganenko. , "FTIR spectroscopic and thermodynamic studies on hydrogen adsorption on zeolites". "12th Internacional Symposium on Relations between Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Catalysis (ISHHC-XII)", Florence, Itàlia, 2005. Pòster.
  • S. Bodoardo, S. Fiorilli, E. Garrone, B. Onida, C. Otero Areán, N. Penazzi, G. Turnes Palomino. , "Methylene blue incorporated into Na-X zeolite: characterisation and electrochemical activity". "Giornate dell'Elettrochimica Italiana (GEI 2005)", Spoleto, Itàlia, 2005. Pòster.