Química de materials (MATER)
Participació en congressos
- Enrique Javier Carrasco Correa, Andrea Martínez-Vilata, Jose Manuel Herrero-Martínez, Fernando Maya, Victor Cerdà, Carlos Palomino, Gemma Turnes-Palomino, Frantisek Svec. , "Incorporation of ZIF-8-derived nanoporous carbons in methacrylate polymeric monoliths for capillary electrochromatography". "31st International Symposium on Cromatography", Irlanda, 2016. Pòster.
- Carlos Palomino Cabello, Cristina Ochoa-Hernández, Jan Prech, Michal Mazur, Jiri Cejka. , "Study of ketonization and aldol condensation reactions over two-dimensional zeolites using in-situ spectroscopy". "Thermochemical lignocellulose conversion technologies", Chalkidiki, Grècia, 2016. Pòster.
- Alba González, Jessica Avivar, Fernando Maya, Carlos Palomino Cabello, Gemma Turnes Palomino, Victor Cerda. , "In-syringe dispersive µ-SPE of estrogens using magnetic carbons obtained from zeolitic imidazolate frameworks". "20th ICFIA (20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques)", Espanya, 2016. Pòster.
- Fernando Maya, Milad Ghani, Shima Salehinia, Carlos Palomino Cabello, Xesca Font, Gloria Berlier, Victor Cerda, Gemma Turnes Palomino. , "Metal-organic framework mixed-matrix disks: Advanced supports for automated solid-phase extraction". "20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques", Espanya, 2016. Pòster.
- Rodríguez Delgado, M.; Otero Areán, C.. , "On the use of variable-temperature IR spectroscopy for ranking the Brønsted acid strength of protonic zeolites". "39th Annual Meeting of the British Zeolite Association (2016 BZA)", Bath, Regne Unit, 2016. Pòster.
- Otero Areán, C.; Rodríguez Delgado, M.. , "Unexpected singularities in the infrared spectroscopic characterization of the Brønsted acidity of zeolites". "The 4th International Symposium Molecular Photonics", San Petersburgo, Rússia, 2016. Pòster.