Ecologia Marina i Sistemàtica (MarES)
Participació en congressos
- Agawin, NSR, Duarte CM and Agustí, S. , "The response of autotrophic picoplankton (Synechococcus sp.) to experimental nutrient inputs of varying N:P ratios". "American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) meeting", Copenhagen, Dinamarca, 2000. Pòster.
- Agustí S, Duarte CM, Agawin N, Vaque D, Hernandez-Leon S. , "Experimental investigation of the role of light and nutrients in the control of Antarctic plankton bloom by mesocosm experiments". "Congress on "The Southern Ocean: Climatic changes and the cycle of carbon"", Brest, França, 2000. Pòster.