Grup de Recerca en Lingüística Aplicada (REGAL)
Participació en congressos
- Calafat, Caterina; Dols, Gabriel. , ""Don't Forget that you are salt": food, environment, and translation in Ken Saro-Wiwa's Sozaboy". "The cultural Ecology of Translation. 7Th IATIS Conference 14-17th September", Barcelona, Espanya, 2021. Ponència.
- Caterina Calafat. , "Nicole Brossard, Poetic Empathy and Queer Activism: «L'utopie est une e?motion; l'e?criture, c'est du corps»". "Affect Theory: Cinema, Popular Culture and Poetry", online, Espanya, 2021. Ponència.
- Karen Jacob. , "Using poster presentations in the EMI and EFL classroom contexts". "44th AEDEAN Conference 2020/21", Santander, Espanya, 2021. Ponència.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo-Benzies; Marian Amengual-Pizarro. , "Are ESP students applying their computer literacy to the learning of English an L2?". "38 Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Lingüística Aplicada (AESLA)", A Coruña (online), Espanya, 2021. Presentació comunicació.
- Rallo Fabra, L.; Achichaou, M. & Tyler, M.D.. , "Perceptual Assimilation of Tashlhiyt Consonants by Spanish-dominant bilinguals". "Congreso Internacional de Fonética Experimental", Girona, Espanya, 2021. Ponència.
- Vega Munar, Clara; Rallo Fabra, Lucrecia. , "The California Vowel Shift: an acoustic analysis of vowel production in the bay area". "ISAPh2021-International Symposium of Applied Phonetics", Tarragona, Espanya, 2021. Ponència.
- Rallo Fabra, Lucrecia; Amengual, Mark; Tyler, Michael D.. , "Categorization of Californian English vowels by Catalan-Spanish bilinguals". "PAPE-Phonetics and Phonology in Europe", Barcelona, Espanya, 2021. Pòster.
- Rallo Fabra, Lucrecia; Tyler, M. D.. , "Discrimination of Californian central vowel contrasts by Spanish-Catalan EFL Learners". "ISAPh 2021-International Symposium of Applied Phonetics", Tarragona, Espanya, 2021. Pòster.