Sistemes, Robòtica i Visió (SRV)
Publicacions en revistes
- Barranco, M.; Proenza, J.; Rodríguez-Navas, G. and Almeida, L., "An Active Star Topology for Improving Fault Confinement in CAN Networks", "IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics", Volum 2, Número 2, Pàgines 78-85, 2006. Article.
- Ferreira, J.; Almeida, L.; Fonseca, J.A.; Pedreiras, P.; Martins, E.; Rodriguez-Navas, G.; Rigo, J. i Proenza, J., "Combining Operational Flexibility and Dependability in FTT-CAN", "IEEE Transactions On Industrial Informatics", Volum 2, Número 2, Pàgines 95-102, 2006. Article.
- Ortiz, A.; Oliver, G., "On the Use of the Overlapping Area Matrix for Image Segmentation Evaluation: a Survey and New Performance Measures", "Pattern Recognition Letters", Volum 27, Número 16, Pàgines 1916-1926, 2006. Article.
- Ortiz, A.; Oliver, G., "Radiometric Calibration of Vision Cameras and Intensity Uncertainty Estimation", "Image and Vision Computing", Volum 24, Número 10, Pàgines 1137-1145, 2006. Article.