Sistemes, Robòtica i Visió (SRV)
Publicacions en revistes
- Yao, K; Ortiz, A.; Bonnin-Pascual, F., "Weakly-Supervised Semantic SegmentationApproach Based on the Centroid Loss:Application to Quality Control and Inspection", "Ieee Access", Volum 9, Pàgines 69010-69026, 2021. Article.
- Yao, K.; Ortiz, A.; Bonnin-Pascual, F., "A Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Approach Based on the Centroid Loss: Application to Quality Control and Inspection", "Ieee Access", Volum 9, Pàgines 69010-69026, 2021. Article.
- Bonnin-Pascual, F.; Garcia-Fidalgo, E.; Company-Corcoles, J.P.; Ortiz, A., "MUSSOL: A Micro-Uas to Survey Ship Cargo hOLds", "Remote Sensing", Volum 13, Número 17, Pàgines article nr 3419, 2021. Article.
- Francisco Bonin-Font;Antoni Burguera Burguera., "NetHALOC: A learned global image descriptor for loop closing in underwater visual SLAM.", "Expert Systems", Volum 38, Número 2, Pàgines 1-23, 2021. Article.