Anàlisi i modelització econòmica
Publicacions en revistes
- Casiano Manrique-de-Lara-Peñate; María Santana Gallego; Elisabeth Valle Valle, "The economic impact of global uncertainty and security threats on international tourism", "Economic Modelling", Volum 113, 2022. Article.
- Alkan, M.F.; 1, Cladera-Munar, M.; Emmio?lu-Sar?kaya, E.; Leavy, A.; Mavi?-Sevim, Ö; Paul, C.I.; Primi, C.; Schau, C.; Ustun, U., "A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Relationships among Post-secondary Students' Attitudes Toward Statistics and Statistics Achievement: A Protocol", "Social Science Protocols", Volum April 2022, Pàgines 1-9, 2022. Article.
- M. Bakhat, J. Rosselló & A. Sansó, "Price Transmission between Oil and Gasoline and Diesel: A New Measure for Evaluating Time Asymmetries", "Energy Economics", Volum 106, Número 105766, Pàgines 1-11, 2022. Article.
- Shoshana Grossbard; Lucia Mangiavacchi; William Nilsson; Luca Piccoli, "Spouses' earnings association and inequality: A non-linear perspective", "Journal Of Economic Inequality", Volum Online first, 2022. Article.
- Luis Diaz-Serrano; William Nilsson, "The reliability of students' earnings expectations", "Labour Economics", Volum 76, Número 102182, Pàgines 1-12, 2022. Article.
- Oliver, X.; Encabo, I.; Padilha, G.; Piccoli, L., "Reducing the regressivity of indirect taxation in Brazil through a personalized value-added tax", "Journal of Policy Modeling", 2022. Article.
- Groizard, J.L.; Oliver, X.; M. Sard, "An account of the exporter wage gap: wage structure and composition effects across the wage distribution", "The World economy", Volum 45, Número 5, Pàgines 1528-1563, 2022. Article.