Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Jaume, D.; Humphreys, W. F., "A new genus of Epacteriscid calanoid copepod from an anchialine sinkhole on northwestern Australia", "Journal of Crustacean Biology", Volum 21, Pàgines 165-177, 2001. Article.
  • Jaume, D.; Sorbe, J. C., "A new bathyal Amphipod from the Bay of Biscay: Carangolia barnardi sp. nov.(Gammaridea: Urothoidae)", "Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom", Volum 81, Pàgines 49-59, 2001. Article.
  • Jaume, D.; Boxshall, G. A.; Humphreys W. F., "New stygobiont copepods (Calanoida; Misophrioida) from Bundera Sinkhole, an anchialine cenote on northwestern Australia", "Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society", Volum 133, Pàgines 1-24, 2001. Article.
  • Jaume, D., "A new Atlantasellid isopod (Asellota: Aselloidea) from the flooded coastal karst of the Dominican Republic (Hispaniola): evidence for an exopod on a thoracic limb and biogeographical implications", "Journal of Zoology", Volum 255, Pàgines 221-233, 2001. Article.
  • Jaume, D.; Christenson, K., "Amphi-Atlantic distribution of the subterranean amphipod family Metacrangonyctidae (Gammaridea)", "Contributions to Zoology", Volum 70, Pàgines 99-125, 2001. Article.