Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)

Publicacions en revistes

  • Pons, J; Petitpierre, E; Juan, C., "Evolutionary dynamics of satellite DNA family PIM357 in species of the genus Pimelia (Tenebrionidae, Coleoptera).", "Molecular Biology and Evolution", Volum 19, Número 8, Pàgines 1329-1340, 2002. Article.
  • Lalueza-Fox, C.; Saphiro, B.; Bover, P.; Alcover, J.A. & Bertranpetit, J., "Molecular phylogeny and evolution of the extinct bovid Myotragus balearicus.", "Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution", Volum 25, Pàgines 501-510, 2002. Article.
  • Pons, J.; Juan, C.; Petitpierre, E., "Higher-order organization and compartmentalization of satellite DNA PIM357 in species of the coleopteran genus Pimelia.", "Chromosome Research", Volum 10, Pàgines 597-606, 2002. Article.
  • Jaume, D., "Grand Tour of the World's Underground", "Global Ecology and Biogeography", Volum 11, Pàgines 261-263, 2002. Article.