Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)
Publicacions en revistes
- Bover, P.; Alcover, J.A.; Michaux, J.; Renaud, S., "The case of an insular molarless black rat: effects on lifestyle and mandible morphology.", "Archives of Oral Biology", Volum 55, Pàgines 576-582, 2010. Article.
- Quintana, J.; Bover, P.; Alcover, J.A.; Agustí, J.; Bailón, S., "Presence of Hypolagus Dice 1917 (Lagomorpha, Leporidae, Archaeolaginae) in the Neogene of the Baleaic Islands (Western Mediterranean). Description of Hypolagus balearicus sp. nov.", "Geobios", Volum 43, Pàgines 555-567, 2010. Article.
- Bailón, S.; Bover, P.; Quintana, J.; Alcover, J.A., "First fossil record of Vipera Laurenti 1768 'Oriental vipers complex' (Serpentes: Viperidae) from the Early Pliocene of the Western Mediteranean islands.", "Comptes Rendus Palevol", Volum 9, Pàgines 147-154, 2010. Article.
- Bover, P.; Quintana, J.; Alcover, J.A., "A new species of Myotragus Bate, 1909 (Artiodactyla, Caprinae) from the Early Pliocene of Mallorca (Balearic Islands, western Mediterranean).", "Geological Magazine", Volum 147, Número 6, Pàgines 871-885, 2010. Article.
- Bover, P.; Alcover, J.A.; Michaux, J.J.; Hautier, L.; Hutterer, R., "Body shape and life style of the extinct Balearic dormouse Hypnomys (Rodentia, Gliridae): new evidence from the study of associated skeletons.", "Plos One", Volum 5, Número 12, Pàgines e15817, 2010. Article.
- RANDO, J.C.; ALCOVER, J.A., "On the extinction of the Dune Shearwater (Puffinus holeae) from the Canary Islands", "Journal Of Ornithology", Volum 151, Pàgines 365-369, 2010. Article.
- Rando, J.C.; Alcover, J.A.; Illera, J.C., "Disentangling Ancient Interactions: A New Extinct Passerine Provides Insights on Character Displacement among Extinct and Extant Island Finches", "Plos One", Volum 5, Número 9, Pàgines e12956-e12956, 2010. Article.
- Ramírez, O.; Illera, J.C.; Rando, J.C.; González-Solis, J.; Alcover, J.A.; Lalueza, C., "Ancient DNA of the Extinct Lava Shearwater (Puffinus olsoni) from the Canary Islands Reveals Incipient Differentiation within the P. puffinus Complex", "Plos One", Volum 5, Número 12, Pàgines e16072-e16072, 2010. Article.
- Juan, C.; Guzik, M.T.; Jaume, D.; Cooper, S.J.B., "Evolution in caves: Darwin's 'wrecks of ancient life' in the molecular era", "Molecular Ecology", Volum 19, Pàgines 3865-3880, 2010. Review.
- Pla, V.; Vadell, M.; Ginard, A.; Vicens, D.; Rosselló, J.A.; Pons, G.X.; Mir-Gual, M.; Crespí, D.; Barceló, M.A.; Bover, P., "Pteridòfits i briòfits de les cavitats de la Serra de na Burguesa (Serra de Tramuntana, Mallorca)", "Endins", Número 34, Pàgines 69-86, 2010. Article.
- Timmermans, M.; Dodsworth, S.; Culverwell, L.; Bocak, L.; Ahrens, D.; Littlewood, D.T.; Pons, J.; Vogler, A.P., "Why barcode? High-throughput multiplex sequencing of mitochondrial genomes for molecular systematics", "Nucleic Acids Research", Volum 38, Pàgines e197-e197, 2010. Article.
- Labarque, F.M.; Piacentini, L.N.; Ramírez, M.J.; Hormiga, G.; Dimitrov, D.; Benavides, L.; Arnedo, M.A.; Pons, J., "The use of DNA barcodes to assess the biodiversity patterns of megadiverse groups in tropical regions: The PANCODING project.", "NO es coneix", Pàgines 243, 2010. Article.
- Hendrich, L.; Pons, J.; Ribera, I.; Balke, M., "Mitochondrial cox1 sequence data reliably uncover patterns of insect diversity but may suffer from high lineage-specific error rates.", "Plos One", Volum 5, Número 12, Pàgines 14448, 2010. Article.
- Juan C; Emerson BC, "Evolution underground: shedding light on the diversification of subterranean insects
", "Journal of Biology", Volum 9, Pàgines 17, 2010. Review. - Guzmán, N.; Contreras-Díaz, H.; Lanteri, A.; Juan, C.; Confalonieri, V., "Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci in the fruit tree weevil Naupactus xanthographus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): cross-amplification in related species of the Naupactus-Pantomorus complex", "Journal of Genetics", Volum 89, Pàgines e23-e27, 2010. Article.
- Bréhier, F.; Vonk, R.; Jaume, D., "First South American Phreatogammarid, with comments on the arrangement of coxal and sternal gills, and on the biramous condition of the seventh pereiopod in amphipods", "Journal of Crustacean Biology", Volum 30, Pàgines 503-520, 2010. Article.
- Vonk, R.; Jaume, D., "Glyptogidiella omanica gen. et sp. nov., an inland groundwater bogidiellid from Oman with enlarged coxal plate V (Crustacea, Amphipoda)", "Zootaxa", Volum 2657, Pàgines 55-65, 2010. Article.
- SARA PINZÓN NAVARRO, JOSÉ A. JURADO-RIVERA, JESÚS GÓMEZ-ZURITA, CHRISTOPHER H. C. LYAL, ALFRIED P. VOGLER, "DNA profiling of host-herbivore interactions in tropical forests", "Ecological Entomology", Volum 35, Número s1, Pàgines 18-32, 2010. Article.
- J. Gómez-Zuritaa, A. Cardoso, J.A. Jurado-Rivera, P. Jolivet, S. Cazères, C. Mille, "Discovery of new species of New Caledonian Arsipoda Erichson, 1842 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and insights on their ecology and evolution using DNA markers", "Journal of Natural History", Volum 44, Número 41-42, Pàgines 2557-2579, 2010. Article.
- Crespí, D.; Bover, P.; Ginard, A.; Vicens, D.; Vadell, M.; Barceló, M.A.; Gràcia, F., "Les cavitats de la serra de na Burguesa. Zona 9: Son Boronat-L'Hostalet (3a part) (Calvià, Mallorca).", "Endins", Volum 34, Pàgines 125-140, 2010. Article.
- Bover, P.; Alcover, J.A., "Human-induced invasion of species.", "NO es coneix", 2010. Article.
- TRIAS, M.; RANDO, J.C. & ALCOVER, J.A., "Aportació al Coneixement de les Cavitats de la Macaronèsia", "Endins", Volum 34, Pàgines 165-180, 2010. Article.
- VALENZUELA, A.; BONNIN, M.; BARTOLOMÉ, J.; ALCOVER, J.A.; TRIAS, M., "La cova de sa Tossa Alta (Escorca, Mallorca): una estació prehistòrica remota a la Serra de Tramuntana", "Endins", Volum 34, Pàgines 19-34, 2010. Article.
- Gómez-Zurita, J.; Petitpierre, E., "Contribution to the knowledge of the Iberian Fauna of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera): i. New records of Criocerinae, Clytrinae and Cryptocephalinae.", "Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa", Volum 47, Número 1, Pàgines 139-142, 2010. Article.
- Pons, J.; Ribera, I.; Bertranpetit, J.; Balke, M.;, "Nucleotide substitution rates for the full set of mitochondrial protein-coding genes in Coleoptera", "Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution", Volum 56, Pàgines 796-807, 2010. Article.