Biodiversitat, Sistemàtica i Evolució (Bio6Evo)
Publicacions en revistes
- Valencia, J.M.; Grau, A.; Pretto, T.; Pons, J.;Jurado-Rivera, J.A.; Castro, J.A.; Toffan, A.; Catanese, G., "Viral encephalopathy and retinopathy disease in Epinephelus marginatus from the Balearic Islands Marine Protected Areas", "Diseases of Aquatic Organisms", Volum 135, Número 1, Pàgines 49-58, 2019. Article.
- Jime?nez, M.A.; Moranta, D.; Torrens, J.; Ferrer, L.; Jurado-Rivera, J.A.; Palomino, C.; Borra?s, A.; Santamarta, R.; Tejada, S.; Sureda, A.; Masdeu, F. y Bibiloni, M.M., "A critical review of the organization, methodology and assessment in the first-year laboratory lectures of science and engineering degrees at the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain)", "EDULEARN Proceedings", Pàgines 1670-1677, 2019. Article.
- Hesselberg D; Simonsen D; Juan C., "Do cave orb spiders show unique behavioural adaptations to subterranean life? A review of the evidence.", "Behaviour", Volum 156, Pàgines 969-996, 2019. Article.
- García-Verdugo C; Caujapé-Castells J; Sanmartín I, "Colonization time on island settings: lessons from the Hawaiian and Canary Island floras", "Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society", Volum 191, Pàgines 155-163, 2019. Review.
- García-Verdugo C; Illera JC; Traveset A, "Characterization of microsatellite markers for the endangered Daphne rodriguezii (Thymelaeaceae) and related species", "Applications In Plant Sciences", Volum 7, Pàgines e11274, 2019. Article.
- Moreira X; Castagneyrol B; de la Mata R; Fyllas NM; Galmán A; García-Verdugo C; Rodríguez-Larrinaga A; Abdala-Roberts L, "Effects of insularity on insect leaf herbivory and chemical defences in a Mediterranean oak species", "Journal of Biogeography", Volum 46, Pàgines 1226-1233, 2019. Article.
- García-Verdugo C; Caujapé-Castells J; Illera JC; Mairal M; Patiño J; Reyes-Betancort A; Scholz S, "Pleistocene extinctions as drivers of biogeographical patterns on the easternmost Canary Islands", "Journal of Biogeography", Volum 46, Pàgines 845-859, 2019. Article.
- Monroy P; García-Verdugo C, "Testing the hypothesis of loss of defenses on islands across a wide latitudinal gradient of Periploca laevigata populations", "American Journal of Botany", Volum 106, Pàgines 303-312, 2019. Article.
- García-Verdugo C; Caujapé-Castells J; Mairal M; Monroy P, "How repeatable is microevolution on islands? Patterns of dispersal and colonization-related plant traits in a phylogeographical context", "Annals of Botany", Volum 123, Pàgines 557-568, 2019. Article.
- Saro I; García?Verdugo C; González?Pérez MA; Naranjo A; Santana A; Sosa PA, "Genetic structure of the Canarian palm tree (Phoenix canariensis) at the island scale: does the 'island within islands' concept apply to species with high colonisation ability?", "Plant Biology", Volum 21, Pàgines 101-109, 2019. Article.
- Pons J; Jurado-Rivera JA; Jaume D; Vonk R; Bauzà-Ribot MM; Juan C, "The age and diversification of subterranean metacrangonyctid amphipod crustaceans revisited", "Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution", Volum 140, 2019. Article.
- Paredes-Esquivel, Claudia; Sola, Jessica; Delgado-Serra, Sofía; Puig Riera, Miguel; Negre, Nieves; Miranda, Miguel Ángel y Jurado-Rivera, José A., "Angiostrongylus cantonensis in North African hedgehogs as vertebrate hosts, Mallorca, Spain, October 2018", "Eurosurveillance", Volum 24, Número 33, Pàgines 2-6, 2019. Article.