Climatologia, hidrologia, riscs naturals i territori (CLIMARIS)
Publicacions en revistes
- Grimalt-Gelabert, Miquel; Bauzà-Llinás, Joan; Genovart-Rapado, Maria C., "The Flood of October 9, 2018 in the City centre of Sant Llorenç des Cardassar (Mallorca)", "Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica", Volum 47, Pàgines 265-286, 2021. Article.
- Joan Rosselló Geli, "Tendencias de los días con precipitación en la cuenca de Sóller (Mallorca, España)", "Boletín Geográfico", Volum 43, Número 1, Pàgines 33-45, 2021. Article.
- Grimalt-Gelabert, Miquel; Alomar-Garau, Gabriel; Martin-Vide, Javier, "Synoptic Causes of Torrential Rainfall in the Balearic Islands (1941-2010)", "Atmosphere", Volum 12, Número 8, Pàgines 1035, 2021. Article.
- Joan Rosselló Geli; Maria Cortès, "La prensa local, fuente para el estudio de inundaciones: el semanario Sóller (Mallorca) de 1900 a 2000", "Eria", Volum 2, Número 2, Pàgines 207-222, 2021. Article.
- Joan Rosselló, "Retrieving meteorological data from a weekly newspaper in Mallorca: the 'Semanario Sóller' from 1892 to 1901", "Weather", 2021. Article.
- Rosselló_Geli, Joan; Grimalt-Gelabert, Miquel, "Mapping of the Flood Distribution in a Urban Environment: The Case of Palma (Mallorca, Spain) in the First Two Decades of the 21st Century.", "Earth", Volum 2, Número 4, Pàgines 960-971, 2021. Article.
- Alomar-Garau,Gabriel;Grimalt-Gelabert, Miquel, "Air Photo Interpretation for Spatial Analysis of Heritage Agrarian Structures in Mediterranean Settings as Sea-Breezes Proxy-Data. Application to the Island of Mallorca", "Remote Sensing", Volum 13, Número 22, Pàgines 4652, 2021. Article.