Evolució i cognició humana (EVOCOG)

Altres publicacions

  • Pérez, D.I.; Gomila, A.. , "Social cognition and the second person in human interaction". Regne Unit, 2021. Llibre.
  • Cela Conde, C.J.; Ayala, F.J.. , "Humanos. ¿O no?". Espanya, 2021. Llibre.
  • Clemente, A.; Vila-Vidal, M.; Pepperell, R; Penacchio, O; Ruta, N.. , "Visual Contour (ViCo) stimulus set and widget". Regne Unit, 2021. Publicacions multimèdia.
  • Clemente, A; Kaplan, T. M.; Pearce, M. T.. , "The NatMUST stimulus set (https://osf.io/k6gme/)" [OSF]. Regne Unit, 2021. Publicacions multimèdia.
  • Clemente, A.; Board F.; Pearce, M. T.; Orgs, G.. , "Complexity in AudioVisual Aesthetics (CAVA) stimulus set". Regne Unit, 2021. Publicacions multimèdia.
  • Clemente, A.; Board, F.; Pearce, M. T.; Orgs, G.. , "Hedonic judgment of audiovisual displays: Liking for complexity in dynamic sound and image sequences. Swedish Society of Musicology (SSM) Music Research Today", Swedish Journal of Music Research. Suècia, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Penacchio, O.; Vila-Vidal, M.; Pepperell, R.; Ruta, N.. , "Contrasting perceptual and hedonic judgments of visual contour. Visual Properties Driving Visual Preference (VPDVP)". Regne Unit, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.. , "Evaluative judgment across domains. Neurosciences and Music - VII (Neuromusic Aarhus)". Dinamarca, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Board, F.; Pearce, M. T.; Orgs, G.. , "Hedonic judgment of audiovisual displays: Liking for complexity in dynamic sound and image sequences. 18th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW)". Noruega, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Board, F.; Pearce, M. T.; Orgs, G.. , "Hedonic judgment of audiovisual displays: Liking for complexity in dynamic sound and image sequences. ICMPC16-ESCOM11 Connectivity and diversity in music cognition". Regne Unit, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Friberg, A.; Holzapfel, A.. , "Perceived affect in sensory valuation across domains. ICMPC16-ESCOM11 Connectivity and diversity in music cognition". Regne Unit, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Penacchio, O.; Vila-Vidal, M.; Pepperell, R.; Ruta, N.. , "Contrasting perceptual and hedonic judgments of visual contour. 43rd European Conference on Visual Perception (ECVP)", Perception. Regne Unit, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Clemente, A.; Pearce, M. T.; Skov, M.; Nadal, M.. , "Is hedonic liking modality general? Individual sensitivity to balance, symmetry and complexity show distinct auditory and visual effects. International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA)". Regne Unit, 2021. Acta de congrés.
  • Nadal, M.; Cattaneo, Z.. , "The Contribution of Visual Area V5 to the Perception of Implied Motion in Art and Its Appreciation", A. Chatterjee & E. R. Cardillo (eds.), Brain, Beauty, & Art. Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics into Focus. New York: Oxford University Press.. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2021. Capítol de llibre.
  • Nadal, M.; Cattaneo, Z.; Cela-Conde, C. J.. , "Noninvasive Brain Stimulation of the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex During Aesthetic Appreciation", A. Chatterjee & E. R. Cardillo (eds.), Brain, Beauty, & Art. Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics into Focus. New York: Oxford University Press.. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2021. Capítol de llibre.
  • Nadal, M.; Cela-Conde, C. J.. , "The Cognitive Neuroscience of Aesthetic Experiene", A. Chatterjee & E. R. Cardillo (eds.), Brain, Beauty, & Art. Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics into Focus. New York: Oxford University Press.. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2021. Capítol de llibre.
  • Nadal, M.; Pearce, M.. , "Bringing It All Together. Neurological and Neuroimaging Evidence of the Neural Underpinnings of Visual Aesthetics", A. Chatterjee & E. R. Cardillo (eds.), Brain, Beauty, & Art. Essays Bringing Neuroaesthetics into Focus. New York: Oxford University Press.. Estats Units d'Amèrica, 2021. Capítol de llibre.
  • Giorgetti, D., Isern-Mas, C., Barone, P.. , "Over-imitation in children with autism spectrum disorder. A review", Libro de abstract, Preimpresión. Espanya, 2021. Altres.