Evolució i cognició humana (EVOCOG)
Publicacions en revistes
- Corradi, Guido; Rossello-Mir, Jaume; Vañó, Javier; Chuquichambi, Erick; Bertamini, Marco; Munar, Enric, "The effects of presentation time on preference for curvature of real objects and meaningless novel patterns", "British Journal of Psychology", Número bjop.12367, Pàgines 1-16, 2018. Article.
- Nadal, M.; Skov, M., "The pleasure of art as a matter of fact", "Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-Biological Sciences", Volum 285, Número 20172252, 2018. Article.
- Nadal, M.; Gallardo, V.; Marty, G., "Commentary: But Is It really Art? The Classification of Images as "Art"/"Not Art" and Correlation with Appraisal and Viewer Interpersonal Differences", "Frontiers In Psychology", Volum 8, Número 2328, 2018. Article.
- Che, J.; Sun, X.; Gallardo, V.; Nadal, M., "Cross-cultural empirical aesthetics", "Progress in Brain Research", Volum 237, Pàgines 77-103, 2018. Article.
- Skov, M.; Nadal, M., "Art is not special: An assault on the last lines of defense against the naturalization of the human mind", "Reviews in the Neurosciences", Volum 29, Pàgines 699-702, 2018. Article.
- Isern-Mas, Carme; Gomila, Antoni, "Externalization is common to all value judgments, and norms are motivating because of their intersubjective grounding", "Behavioral and Brain Sciences", Volum 41, 2018. Article.
- Christensen, J.F; Gomila, A., "Art and the brain: from pleasure to wellbeing", "Progress in Brain Research", Volum 237, Pàgines xxvii-xlvi, 2018. Article.
- Gomila, A.; Christensen, J.F., "On the moral import of the arts: the case of music", "Progress in Brain Research", Volum 237, Pàgines 471-484, 2018. Article.
- Acedo-Carmona, C.; Gomila, A., "Personal trust extends cooperation beyond trustees: a Mexican study", "International Journal of Psychology", Volum 53, Número 5, 2018. Article.
- Javier Villacampa , Gordon P.D. Ingram , Manuel Martí-Vilar , Antonio Olivera-La Rosa, "An investigation of Facebook users' implicit associations between Facebook, sexual and prosocial behavior", "Heliyon", Volum 4, Número 9, 2018. Article.
- Acedo-Carmona, C.; Gomila, A., "Trust based altruism facing new contexts: the Viegwa-Gika pygmies from Burundi", "Plos One", Volum 13, Número 10, Pàgines e0204321, 2018. Article.
- Yáñez, B.; Gomila, A.;, "La evolución de la esclerótica del ojo humano: una hipótesis social", "Ludus vitalis", Volum 36, Número 49, Pàgines 119-132, 2018. Article.
- Nadal, M.; Schiavi, S.; Cattaneo, Z., "Hemispheric asymmetry of liking for representational and abstract paintings", "Psychonomic Bulletin & Review", Volum 25, Pàgines 1934-1942, 2018. Article.
- Pérez-Manrique, A. y Gomila, A., "El papel de la experiencia visual previa en el desarrollo de habilidades de permanencia de objetos en delfines nariz de botella (Tursiops truncatus)", "Tesis Psicológica", Volum 13, Número 2, Pàgines 1-19, 2018. Article.
- Cela-Conde, Camilo J.; Ayala, Francisco J., "Art and brain coevolution", "Progress in Brain Research", Volum 21, Pàgines 133-134, 2018. Article.
- Cela-Conde, Camilo José; Ayala, Francisco J., "Las herramientas nos hicieron humanos. El papel de la tecnología en la evolución biológica y social del género Homo", "Sociología y Tecnociencia", Volum 8, Número 2, Pàgines 1-25, 2018. Article.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Calvo-Merino, B., Capilla, A., Forster, B., "Persistent recruitment of somatosensory cortex during active maintenance of hand images in working memory", "Neuroimage", Volum 174, Pàgines 153-163, 2018. Article.
- Galvez-Pol, A., Forster, B., Calvo-Merino, B., "Modulation of motor cortex activity in a visual working memory task of hand images", "Neuropsychologia", Volum 117, Pàgines 75-83, 2018. Article.
- Palser, E. R., Palmer, C. E., Galvez-Pol, A., Hannah, R., Fotopoulou, A., & Kilner, J. M., "Alexithymia mediates the relationship between interoceptive sensibility and anxiety", "Plos One", Volum e0203212, 2018. Article.
- Pons, J., Viladrich, C., Ramis, Y., y Polman, R., "The mediating role of coping between competitive anxiety and sport commitment in adolescent athletes", "Spanish Journal Of Psychology", Volum 21, Número E7, 2018. Article.