Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Santamarta, R.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Seguí, C., "Thermal martensite stabilization in Ni-Ti based alloys", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 647-650, 2003. Article.
  • J. Pons, R. Santamarta, V. Chernenko, E. Cesari, "HREM study of different martensitic phases in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys", "Materials Chemistry and Physics", Volum 81, Número 2-3, Pàgines 457-459, 2003. Article.
  • D. Schryvers, P. Potapov, R. Santamarta, W. Tirry, "Advanced TEM methods in the study of diffusive and displacive transformations in Ni-Ti based shape memory alloys", "Microscopy and Microanalysis", Volum 9, Pàgines 52-53, 2003. Article.
  • R. Santamarta, D. Schryvers, "Microstructure of a partially crystallised Ti50Ni25Cu25 melt-spun ribbon", "Materials Transactions", Volum 44, Número 9, Pàgines 1760-1767, 2003. Article.
  • Pons, J.; Chernenko, E.; Cesari, E.; L'vov, V. A., "Stress-strain behavior for martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga single crystal compressed along <100> and <100> axes", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 939-942, 2003. Article.
  • Sapozhnikov, K.; Golyandin, S.; Kustov, S.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Morin, M., "Time-dependent phenomena during martensite ageing of Cu-Al-Be shape memory alloy", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 557-560, 2003. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Golyandin, S.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Cesari, E.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Mobility of quenched-in defects, non-linear anelasticity and stabilisation of martensite in copper-based alloys", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 475-478, 2003. Article.
  • Picornell, C.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Compressive stresses and stabilisation in Cu-Al-Ni single crystals", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 541-544, 2003. Article.
  • Chernenko, V. A.; L'vov, V.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Superelasticity in high temperature Nl-Mn-Ga alloys", "Journal of Applied Physics", Volum 93, Pàgines 2394-2399, 2003. Article.
  • Font, J.; Cesari, E.; Muntasell, J.; Pons, J., "Superelasticity in high temperature Ni-Mn-Ga based melt-spun ribbons", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 354, Pàgines 207-211, 2003. Article.
  • Font, J.; Cesari, E.; Muntasell, J.; Pons, J., "Thermomechanical cycling in Cu-Al-Ni based melt-spun shape-memory ribbons", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum A354, Pàgines 207-211, 2003. Article.
  • Chernenko, V. A.; Müller, P.; Wollgarte, M.; Pons, J.; Kostorz, G., "Magnetic field induced strains caused by different martensites in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 951-954, 2003. Article.
  • Dezellus, A.; Plaindoux, Ph.; Ochin, P.; Pons, J.; Portier, R.; Cesari, E., "Shape memory properties of Cu-based thin wires obtained by the 'in rotating water spinning' technique", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 567-570, 2003. Article.
  • Castro, M.L.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Generation of aligned γ precipitates in Cu-Zn-Al single crystals", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 533-536, 2003. Article.
  • Seguí, C.; Chernenko, V. A.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Two-step martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys", "Journal de Physique IV", Volum 112, Pàgines 903-906, 2003. Article.