Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Recarte, V.; Pérez-Landazábal, J.L.; Gómez-Polo, C.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Magnetocaloric effect in Nl-Fe-Ga shape memory alloys", "Applied Physics Letters", Volum 88, Pàgines 132503-1/3, 2006. Article.
  • Pons, J.; Santamarta, R.; Chernenko, V.A. i Cesari, E., "Structure of the layered martensitic phases of Ni-Mn-Ga alloys.", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 931-934, 2006. Article.
  • Santamarta, R.; Font, J.; Muntasell, J.; Masdeu, F.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Effect of ageing on the martensitic transformation of Ni-Fe-Ga alloys.", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 54, Número 6, Pàgines 1105-1109, 2006. Article.
  • Picornell, C.; Pons, J. i Cesari, E., "Mechanical stabilisation and anomalous behavior of the stress-strain loops in CU-Al-Ni single crystals", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 54, Pàgines 459-463, 2006. Article.
  • Ochin, P.; Dezellus, A.; Plaindoux, Ph.; Pons, J.; Vermaut, Ph.; Portier, R.; Cesari, E., "Shape memory thin round wires produced by the in-rotating-water-melt-spinning Technique", "Acta Materialia", Volum 54, Pàgines 1877-1885, 2006. Article.
  • Segui, C.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Low-temperature behaviour of Ni-Fe-Ga shape memory alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 923-926, 2006. Article.
  • Santamarta, R.; Cesari, E.; Font, J.; Muntasell, J.; Pons, J.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Effect of atomic order on the martensitic transformation of Ni-Fe-Ga alloys.", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 54, Número 12, Pàgines 1985-1989, 2006. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Golyandin, S.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Effect of off-stoichiometry on the mobility of point-like defects and damping in binary Cu-Al martensites", "Acta Materialia", Volum 54, Pàgines 2075-2085, 2006. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Cesari, E.; Golyandin, S.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Van Humbeeck, J., Gremaud, G.; De Batist, R., "Low-temperature relaxation in faulted Cu-based martensites", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 432, Pàgines 34-39, 2006. Article.
  • Gutiérrez, J.; Barandiarán, J.M.; Lázpita, P.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E., "Magnetic properties of rapidly quenched Ni-Mn-Ga shape memory alloys", "Sensors and Actuators A-Physical", Volum 129, Pàgines 163-166, 2006. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Masdeu, F.; Cesari, E., "Mechanomagnetic spectroscopy of phase transitions in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", "Applied Physics Letters", Volum 89, Pàgines 061017/1-061017/3, 2006. Article.
  • Cesari, E.; Kustov, S.; Golyandin, S.; Sapozhnikov, K.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Mobility of point-like defects in Cu-Al martensites", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 369-373, 2006. Article.
  • Picornell, C.; L'vov, V.A.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Experimental and theoretical study of mechanical stabilization of martensite in Cu-Al-Ni single crystals", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 730-733, 2006. Article.
  • Recarte, V.; Pérez-Landazábal, J.I.; Gómez-Polo, C.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Ochin, P., "High temperature atomic rearrangements in melt-spun Ni-Mn-Ga ribbons", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 927-930, 2006. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Corrò, M.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Thermodynamic reversibility and irreversibility of the reverse transformation in stabilized Cu-Zn-Al martensite", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 768-772, 2006. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Cesari, E.; Gremaud, G., "Non-linear anelasticity of topological vortex matter in martensites", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 442, Pàgines 390-397, 2006. Article.
  • Santamarta, R.; Pons, J. i Cesari, E., "Aliatges amb memòria de forma i les seves aplicacions: ortodòncies, detectors d'incendis i anticonceptius", "Revista de la Societat Catalana de Química", Volum 6, Pàgines 26-38, 2006. Article.
  • Chastiaing, K.; Vermaut, P.; Ochin, P.; Seguí, C.; Laval, J.Y.; Portier, R., "Effect of Cu and Hf addittions on NiTi martensitic tansformation", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438, Pàgines 661-665, 2006. Article.
  • Font, J.; Muntasell, J.; Santamarta, R.; Masdeu, F.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Seguí, C.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Effect of ageing in Ni-Fe-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 438-440, Pàgines 919-922, 2006. Article.
  • Amengual, A., "Oscilaciones en la máquina de Atwood", "Revista Española de Física", Volum 20, Número 1, Pàgines 43-47, 2006. Article.
  • Antoni Amengual, "Analysis of the shape of a sheet of paper when two opposite edges are joined", "American Journal of Physics", Volum 74, Número 7, Pàgines 633-637, 2006. Article.
  • Amengual, A., "De sesenta a sesenta. Sobre el futuro grado en física", "Revista Española de Física", 2006. Article.
  • Sapozhnikov, K., Golyandin, S.; Kustov, S.; Schaller, R.; Van Humbeeck, J., "Anelasticity of B19' martensitic phase in Ni-Ti and Ni-Ti-Cu alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 442, Pàgines 398-403, 2006. Article.
  • S. Kustov, S. Golyandin, A. Ichino, G. Gremaud, "A new design of automated piezoelectric technique", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 442, Número 1-2, Pàgines 532-537, 2006. Article.