Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Pérez-Landazábal, J.L.; Recarte, V.; Gómez-Polo, C.; Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Ditkiewicz, J., "Magnetic behavior in Ni-Fe-Ga martensitic phase", "Materials Science and Engineering A", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 318-321, 2008. Article.
  • L'vov, V.A.; Kustov, S.; Cesari, E., "Enhancement of deformation of Ni-Mn-ga martensite by dynamic loading", "Acta Materialia", Volum 56, Pàgines 802-808, 2008. Article.
  • Chernenko, V. A.; Kakazei, G. N.; Perekos, A. O.; Cesari, E.; Besseghini, S., "Magnetization anomalies in melt Ni-Mn-Ga ribbons", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volum 320, Pàgines 1063-1067, 2008. Article.
  • Morawiec, H.; Goryczka, T.; Seguí, C.; Gigla, M.; Szczeszek, P., "Martensitic transformation in an inhomogeneous off-stoichiometric Ni-Mn-Ga alloy", "Materials Science and Engineering A", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 288-292, 2008. Article.
  • Cesari, E.; Font, J.; Muntasell, P.; Ochin, P.; Pons, J.; Santamarta, R., "Thermal stability of high-temperature Ni-Mn-Ga alloys.", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 58, Número 4, Pàgines 259-262, 2008. Article.
  • Font, J.; Muntasell, J.; Santamarta, R.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Recarte, V.; Pérez-Landazábal, J. L.; Gómez-Polo, C.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Thermal stability and ordering effects in Ni-Fe-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 262-265, 2008. Article.
  • Masdeu, F.; Pons, J.; Santamarta, R.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Effect of precipitates on the stress-strain behavior under compression in polycrystalline Ni-Fe-Ga alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 101-104, 2008. Article.
  • Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Seguí, C.; Masdeu, F.; Santamarta, R., "Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys: Alternatives to Ni-Mn-Ga", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 57-65, 2008. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Cesari E.; Gremaud G., "Glassy and liquid vortex matter dynamics in faulted martensites", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 25-28, 2008. Article.
  • Maziarz, W.; Dutkiewicz, J.; Santamarta, R.; Cesari, E., "Microstructure changes in two phase β + γ Co-Ni-Al ferromagnetic shape memory alloys in relation to Al/Co ratio", "European Physical Journal-Special Topics", Volum 158, Pàgines 137-142, 2008. Article.
  • Barandiarán, J.M.; Gutiérrez, J.; Lázpita, P.; Chernenko, V.A.; Seguí, C.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Oikawa, K.; Kanomata, T., "Martensitic transformation in Ni-Fe-Ga alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A", Volum 478, Pàgines 125-129, 2008. Article.
  • Picornell, C.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Thermal charactistics of Ni-Fe-Ga-Mn and Ni-Fe-Ga-Co ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", "Intermetallics", Volum 16, Pàgines 751-757, 2008. Article.
  • Masdeu, F.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Kustov, S.; Chumlyakov, Y.I., "Magnetic-field-induced strain assisted by tensile stress in L10 martensite of a Ni-Fe-Ga-Co alloy", "Applied Physics Letters", Volum 93, Pàgines 152503-1-152503-3, 2008. Article.
  • Seguí, C.; Cesari, E.; Pons, J., "Intermartensitic transformations in Ni-Mn-Ga alloys: a general view", "Advanced Materials Research", Volum 52, Pàgines 47-55, 2008. Article.
  • Kolomytsev, V.; Babanly, M.; Pasko, A.; Shpak, A.; Sych, T.; Ochin, P.; Vermaut, Ph.; Portier, R.; Cesari, E.; Rafaja, D., "Shape memory behaviour in some (Ti, Zr, Hf) 50 alloys elaborated by glass devitrification

    , "Materials Science and Engineering B-Solid State Materials for Advanced Technology", Volum 93, Pàgines 152503-1/3, 2008. Article.
  • Sapozhnikov K.; Golyandin S.; Kustov, S.; Cesari E.;, "Defect-assisted diffusion and kinetic stabilization in Cu-Al-Be b1? martensite", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum 481-482, Pàgines 532-537, 2008. Article.
  • Chumlyakov, Yu.I.; Kireeva, I.V.; Panchenko, E.Yu.; Timofeeva, E.E.; Pobedennaya, Z.V. Chusov, S.V.; Karaman, I.; Maier, H.; Cesari, E.; Kirillov, V.A., "High-temperature sperelasticity in CoNiGa, CoNiAl, NiFeGa and TiNi momocrystals", "Russian Physics Journal", Volum 51, Pàgines 1016-1036, 2008. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; S. Roth; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Structure and thermomagnetic properties of powders produced from melt spun FeNbBCu ribbons", "Journal of non-Crystalline Solids", Volum 354, Pàgines 3858-3863, 2008. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; S. Roth; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Effect of Nb in the nanocrystallization and magnetic properties of FeNbBCu amorphous alloys", "Journal of non-Crystalline Solids", Volum 354, Pàgines 5110-5112, 2008. Article.
  • M.T. Clavaguera-Mora; J. Torrens-Serra; J. Rodríguez-Viejo, "Primary crystallization in Fe65Nb10B25 metallic glass", "Journal of non-Crystalline Solids", Volum 354, Pàgines 5120-5122, 2008. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; P. Bruna; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; T. Pradell; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Study of the crystallization process of Fe65Nb10B25 and Fe70Nb10B20 glassy metals", "Reviews On Advanced Materials Science", Volum 18, Pàgines 464-468, 2008. Article.