Física de materials

Publicacions en revistes

  • Corro M.L.; Kustov S.; Cesari, E.; Chumlyakov, Y.I., "Magnetic anomaly in Ni51.5Fe21.5Ga27 single crystalline ferromagnetic shape memory alloy studied by ac impedance measurements", "Journal of Applied Physics", Volum 105, Pàgines 073519-1-073519-5, 2009. Article.
  • Sapozhnikov K.; Golyandin S.; Kustov, S.;, "Elastic and anelastic properties of C/Mg-2wt%Si composite during thermal cycling", "Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing", Volum 40, Pàgines 105-113, 2009. Article.
  • Kireeva, I.V.; Pobedennaya, Z.V.; Chumlyakov, Yu.I.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Karaman, I., "Effect of orientation on the high-temperature superelasticity in Co49Ni21Ga30 single crystals", "Technical Physics Letters", Volum 35, Pàgines 186-189, 2009. Article.
  • Picornell, C.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E.; Chumlyakov, Y.I.; Dutkiewicz, J., "Effect of ageing under compressive stress along [100] in Co-Ni-Ga single crystals", "Functional Materials Letters", Volum 2, Pàgines 83-86, 2009. Article.
  • Kustov, S.; Corró, M.L.; Pons, J.; Cesari, E., "Entropy change and effect of magnetic field on martensitic transformation in a metamagnetic Ni-Co-Mn-In shape memory alloy", "Applied Physics Letters", Volum 94, Pàgines 191901-1-191901-3, 2009. Article.
  • Pérez-Landazábal, J.L.; Recarte, V.; Sánchez-Alarcos, V.; Rodríguez-Velamazán, J.A.; Jiménez-Ruiz, M.; Link, P.; Cesari, E.; Chumlyakov, Y.I., "Lattice dynamics and external magnetic field effects in Ni-Fe-Ga alloys", "Physical Review B", Volum 80, Pàgines 144301, 2009. Article.
  • Maziarz, W.; Dutkiewicz, J.; Rogal, L.; Grzonka, J.; Cesari, E., "Microstructure of ball-milled and compacted Co-Ni-Al alloys from β the range", "Journal of Microscopy-Oxford", Volum 236, Pàgines 143-148, 2009. Article.
  • Sapozhnikov, K. V.; Golyandin, S. N.; Kustov, S.; Cesari, E., "Mechanomagnetic spectroscopy of polycrystalline Ni-Fe-Ga-Co ferromagnetic shape memory alloy", "Bulletin of Russian Academy of Scienses Physics", Volum 73, Pàgines 1423-1426, 2009. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; P. Bruna; S. Roth; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Bulk soft magnetic materials from ball-milled Fe77Nb7B15Cu1 amorphous alloys", "Intermetallics", Volum 17, Pàgines 79-85, 2009. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; P. Bruna; S. Roth; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Structural and magnetic characterization of FeNbBCu alloys as function of Nb content", "Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics", Volum 42, Pàgines 095010-1-095010-9, 2009. Article.
  • J. Torrens-Serra; J. Rodríguez-Viejo; M.T. Clavaguera-Mora, "Evaluation of the liquid-solid interfacial energy from crystallization kinetic data", "Scripta Materialia", Volum 61, Pàgines 879-882, 2009. Article.
  • J. Zurbitu, S. Kustov, G. Castillo, L. Aretxebaleta, E. Cesari, J. Aurrekoetxea, "Instrumented tensile-impact test method for shape memory alloys wires", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum A524, Pàgines 108-111, 2009. Article.
  • M.L. Corró, S. Kustov, E. Cesari, Y.I. Chumlyakov, "Magnetomechanical damping in Ni-Fe-Ga poly and single crystals", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum A521-522, Pàgines 201-204, 2009. Article.
  • S. Kustov, M.L. Corró, E. Cesari, "Mechanomagnetic spectroscopy of ferromagnetic shape memory alloys", "Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing", Volum A521-522, 2009. Article.