Física de Nanosistemes (FISNANO)
Publicacions en revistes
- Osca, J.; Serra, L., "Circular dichroism of chiral Majorana states", "Beilstein Journal Of Nanotechnology", Volum 9, Pàgines 1194-1199, 2018. Article.
- Ludovico, M. F.; Arrachea, L.; Moskalets, M.; Sánchez, D., "Probing the energy reactance with adiabatically driven quantum dots", "Physical Review B", Volum 97, Pàgines 041416(R)-1-041416(R)-6, 2018. Article.
- Lim, J. S.; Sánchez, D.; López, R., "Engineering drag currents in Coulomb coupled quantum dots", "New Journal of Physics", Volum 20, Pàgines 023038-1-023038-12, 2018. Article.
- Sierra, M. A.; Sánchez, D.; Garrigues, A. R.; del Barco, E.; Wang, L.; Nijhuis, C. A., "How to distinguish between interacting and noninteracting molecules in tunnel junctions", "Nanoscale", Volum 10, Pàgines 3904-3910, 2018. Article.
- Sierra, M. A.; Sánchez, D., "Heat current through an artificial Kondo impurity beyond linear response", "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", Volum 969, Pàgines 012144-1-012144-6, 2018. Article.
- Hwang, S.-Y.; Sánchez, D., "Nonlinear heat transport in ferromagnetic-quantum dot-superconducting systems", "Journal of Physics: Conference Series", Volum 969, Pàgines 012139-1-012139-6, 2018. Article.
- Bruno Gonçalves.; Lucía Loureiro-Porto; José Javier Ramasco; David Sánchez, "Mapping the Americanization of English in space and time", "Plos One", Volum 13, Pàgines e0197741-1-e0197741-15, 2018. Article.
- Osca, J.; Serra, L., "Conductance oscillations and speed of chiral Majorana mode in a quantum anomalous Hall two-dimensional strip", "Physical Review B", Volum 98, Pàgines 121407(R)-1-121407(R)-5, 2018. Article.
- Overweg, H.; Knothe, A.; Fabian, T.; Linhart, L.; Rickhaus, P; Wernli, L; Watanabe, K.; Taniguchi, T.; Sánchez, D.; Burgdörfer, J.; Libisch, F.; Fal'ko, V. I.; Ensslin, K.; Ihn, T., "Topologically Nontrivial Valley States in Bilayer Graphene Quantum Point Contacts", "Physical Review Letters", Volum 121, Pàgines 257702-1-257702-6, 2018. Article.
- Miguel A. Sierra; Rosa López; Jong Soo Lim, "Thermally Driven Out-of-Equilibrium Two-Impurity Kondo System", "Physical Review Letters", Volum 121, Pàgines 09680, 2018. Article.
- D Tomaszewski, P Busz, R López, M Lee, J Martinek, "Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects in a double quantum dot Josephson junction", "Physical Review B", Volum 98, Pàgines 174504, 2018. Article.
- L Arrachea, R López, "Anomalous Joule law in the adiabatic dynamics of a quantum dot in contact with normal-metal and superconducting reservoirs", "Physical Review B", Volum 98, Pàgines 045404, 2018. Article.
- D Tomaszewski, P Busz, R López, M Lee, J Martinek, "Aharonov-Bohm and Aharonov-Casher effects for local and nonlocal Cooper pairs", "Physical Review B", Volum 97, Pàgines 214506, 2018. Article.