Metabolisme energètic i nutrició (GMEIN)
Publicacions en revistes
- Colom, B.; Oliver, J.; García-Palmer, F.J., "Sexual dimorphism in the alterations of cardiac muscle mitochondrial bioenergetics associated to the ageing process" [Enllaç a revista], "Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences" [PubMed], Volum 70, Número 11, Pàgines 1360-1369, 2015. Article.
- Ordines, F.; Bauzá, M.; Sbert, M.; Roca, P.; Gianotti, M.; Massutí, E., "Red algal beds increase the condition of nekto-benthic fish", "Journal of Sea Research", Volum 95, Pàgines 115-123, 2015. Article.
- Blanquer?Rosselló, M.M.; Santandreu, F.M.; Oliver, J.; Roca, P.; Valle, A., "Leptin Modulates Mitochondrial Function, Dynamics and Biogenesis in MCF-7 Cells.", "Journal of Cellular Biochemistry", Volum 116, Número 9, Pàgines 2039-2048, 2015. Article.
- Nadal-Serrano, M.; Sastre-Serra, J.; Valle, A.; Roca, P.; Oliver, J., "Chronic-leptin attenuates cisplatin cytotoxicity in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line.", "Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry", Volum 36, Número 1, Pàgines 221-232, 2015. Article.
- Pons, D.G.*; Nadal-Serrano, M.*; Torrens-Mas, M.; Valle, A.; Oliver, J.; Roca, P., "UCP2 inhibition sensitizes breast cancer cells to therapeutic agents by increasing oxidative stress", "Free Radical Biology and Medicine" [Pubmed], Volum 86, Pàgines 67-77, 2015. Article.