Grup de recerca en anàlisi lingüística (GRALing)
Altres publicacions
- Vanrell, M.M., Fernández-Soriano, O.. , "Dialectal variation at the Prosody-Syntax interface: Evidence from Catalan and Spanish interrogatives.", Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014.. Irlanda, 2014. Acta de congrés.
- Guijarro-Fuentes, P.. , "On the L2 Spanish acquisition of [+/-] Interpretable features". Anglaterra, 2014. Capítol de llibre.
- Vanrell, M.M.; Ballone, F.; Schirru, C.; Prieto, P.. , "Lexicosyntactic and intonational marking of evidential and epistemic bias in Sardinian yes-no questions.", Fonética Experimental, Educación Superior e Investigación, III. Prosodia.. Espanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
- Dols, Nicolau; Sampol, Gabriel de la S. T.. , "Poesia completa", Poesia completa. Espanya, 2014. Editor.
- Stella, A., Vanrell, M.M., Iraci, M., Prieto, P., Gili-Fivela, B.. , "Intergestural coordination between tonal and oral gestures in Catalan, Italian and Spanish.", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production.. Alemanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
- Schmitz, K. y Guijarro-Fuentes, P.. , "Maintaining Language and Developing Multilingualism". Anglaterra, 2014. Editor.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "El Papel de la pronunciación en las clases de inglés como lengua extranjera en galicia", A investigación predoutoral na USC: Novos camiños: I encontro da mocidade investigadora. Decembro de 2012. Libro de resumos. Espanya, 2014. Altres.
- Amengual, Marian (ed.). , "NEXUS- AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos) 2014.1. A Tribute to Mª Teresa Turell Julià (1949-2013).". Espanya, 2014. Editor.
- Feldhausen, I., Vanrell, M.M.. , "Prosody, Focus, and Word order in Catalan and Spanish. An Optimality Theoretic Approach.", Proceedings of the 10th International Seminar on Speech Production. Alemanya, 2014. Acta de congrés.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "A Comparative study on the importance given to grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation in efl secondary-school course books", Building Interdisciplinary Knowlegde. Approaches to English and American Studies in Spain. Espanya, 2014. Capítol de llibre.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "''He was /g???n/ to have a /bæ?/', 'twenty /p?rsent/ of /p?pel/ /da?nl?d/ /m?s?k/'. A Preliminary study of the difficulties shown by spanish students of different levels of proficiency in the learning of english pronunciation'", Current Research in Applied Linguistics: Issues on Language and Cognition. Regne Unit, 2014. Capítol de llibre.
- Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies. , "The Teaching of pronunciation in spain: students? and teachers' views", IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections. Regne Unit, 2014. Acta de congrés.
- Amengual, Marian (ed.). , "NEXUS- AEDEAN (Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos) 2014.1. A Tribute to Mª Teresa Turell Julià (1949-2013).". Espanya, 2014. Editor.
- Vanrell, M.M., Amstrong, A., Prieto, P.. , "The role of prosody in the encoding of evidentiality in Catalan.", Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014.. Irlanda, 2014. Acta de congrés.