Grup de Recerca en Enginyeria Energètica (GREEN)

Participació en congressos

  • Moià Pol, A.; Martínez Moll, V.; Pujol Nadal, R.; Rosselló Batle, B.. , "Net Zero energy in hotels and touristic areas in the Balearic Islands". "EUROSUN 2010. 2nd International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings", GRAZ, Àustria, 2010. Dades de publicació: 978-3-901425-13-4. Pòster.
  • Pujol, R.; Alomar, M.; Moià, A.; Martínez, V.. , "Development status of Concentrating Collector with Stationary Reflector (CCStaR)". "EUROSUN. 2nd International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings", Graz, Àustria, 2010. Ponència.
  • Miquel Alomar; Ramon Pujol; Víctor Martínez; Andreu Moià. , "SIMULATION BASED PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF A MEDIUM TEMPERATURE SOLAR THERMAL COOLING SYSTEM FOR A HOTEL". "EUROSUN. 2nd International Conference on Solar Heating, Cooling and Buildings", Graz, Àustria, 2010. Pòster.